The Club for all Airstreamers in East Texas and those that travel here.
East Texas Lakes Unit
East Texas Lakes is a family-friendly Airstream Club. We try to have two annual rallies that are 4-5 days long but mostly weekend campouts for those that can only get together for a few days. Most rally sites are at full or partial hook-up locations with an occasional boondocking trip to learn and experience all our Airstreams have to offer. Hiking, fishing, sightseeing, museums, games, or just sitting back in your easy chair admiring the scenery and shiny Airstreams. We are a small group and always looking to grow. Become a member or associate and hang out in the Piney Woods of East Texas.
If you have any question about the ETLU, please email us at .
Shelley Tumino
Big Red # 10704
Tanner Terry
1st Vice President
Big Red # 04105
Ron Battles
2nd Vice President
Big Red # 01072
Cheryl Chambers
Corresponding Secretary
Big Red # 09191
Traci Battles
Recording Secretary
Big Red # 01072
Douglas Towns
Big Red # 01355
Hawley Towns
Newsletter Editor
Big Red # 01355
Ron Battles
Big Red # 01072