Sierra Nevada Unit members & friends, with our Airstreams winterized and parked in the backyard, we (and many SNU members), turn our attention to luncheons! Please join Brian and I at our house in Reno for lunch Wednesday, November 15, 11:30am. No that's not our kitchen but our meal will rival Susie Brown's last year's pizza luncheon. We will be serving you so no need to bring anything. Y'all will get a chance to win Airstream prizes (no-cost raffle) and enjoy a meal and desserts benefitting an Airstream owner.
Please RSVP (reply) on the Sierra Nevada Unit Facebook page or reply by email to club157@airstreamclub.org.
You'll find our address on the second page of your November Airstreamer newsletter, members can search the "Member Directory" after logging in to airstreaamclub.org or just ask when you RSVP.