1. Registration opens Tuesday, August 1, 2023 for the 2024 MOONSHADOW ECLIPSE RALLY set for April 6-9, 2024 in Morrilton, Arkansas. Be one of the 75 Airstreams to attend, so sign up as soon as registration opens to reserve a space. This rally is expected to sell out in a week. DO NOT DELAY IF YOU WANT TO ATTEND!
2. Registration is $225 per Airstream for three nights/four days of camping. The charge for each occupant or participant is $25. (For example, one Airstream with two people would cost $275.) The fees are refundable if you cancel by March 1, 2024.
3. We will be boondocking just off Interstate 40 on acres and acres of farmland. Generators are welcome – April weather in Arkansas can be cold or hot. Included in the fee are two evening meals and a breakfast. The Razorback Airstreamers are known for happy hours and great potlucks, so bring some grub and be prepared to feast.
4. You will be moonstruck gazing skyward Monday afternoon, April 8, 2024, as the skies turn to night when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. If you miss this celestial event, you will have to wait up to 400 years for the next total eclipse in Morrilton.
5. Additional information will be emailed in the months ahead to those who register, so for now, get registered ASAP by clicking on the link below. Space is limited!