Please let the host know if you would be willing to Co-host this event by arriving early to assist with registration and help organize the food and drinks buffet line.
The October 2019 CAC luncheon was held at this venue and attendees got a chance to tour the historic property just before it got a massive two-year 3.5 million dollar renovation. We'll get a chance see how it all turned out at the March 4 luncheon.
Event host Dave Rose worked both behind and in front of the TV cameras for 40 years. HIs presentation includes clips from a documentary he produced in 2003 for the 50-th Anniversary of local station KRDO. You'll be brought back to the days of Howdy Doody, Buffalo Bob, John Cameron Swayze and J Fred Muggs (who?) And you'll even learn a little about the history and meaning of radio and TV station call letters.
Bird Dog Barbecue is a southern Colorado favorite.
Meet and greet starts at 11:30
Lunch at Noon
Program at 12:40