This dry camp rally is held during the annual High Mountain Hay Fever (HMHF) Bluegrass Festival (highmountainhayfever.org ) in Westcliffe.
Headlining the HMHF this year is Rhonda Vincent and the Rage. With national performers organized by Bluegrass Hall of Famer Ron Thomason, HMHF draws over 1,000 toe-tappers and pickers each year. Westcliffe is also one of only 9 certified Dark Sky Communities in the world (and the highest!), so prepare yourself for the incredible view overhead set to the sounds of world class music.
The Sangre de Cristo spectacular backdrop is great for hiking, biking, stargazing or just reveling in the surrounding beauty. Music lover or not, this is a very popular rally. Oh, and just in case you’re a wrangler at heart, hang around in one of the nearby campgrounds for the Westcliffe Stampede Rodeo (wmvsc.com) the following weekend!
Festival performers, days and times are at highmountainhayfever.org
Proposed Rally activities in addition to the music festival:
- Pop-Up Happy Hour, BYO'CAB' (chair, appetizer, beverage) :)
- 20 minute Search & Rescue Q&A from a seasoned volunteer
- Guided, or on your own bike ride or hike
- Planet Walk - a 4 billion to 1 true to scale interpretive walk through our Solar System
- Dry Camping (no electric, water or sewer hookups) with nearby Port-a-Potties
- Quiet hours enforced from 10pm each evening until 7 am the following morning
- Generators allowed only from 7:00am -10:00am and from 5:00pm to 8:00pm
- A dump station is located 1 mile away at the Wet Mountain RV Park ($10/dump)
- It is possible that showers could be taken at the Community Recreation Center
- Campers with pets that draw a complaint will be moved to a different camp lot
Reservations will be made through the CAC website (not through the festival website)
$158 Registration includes 1 festival wristband (required for campsite reservation) and 4 nights of camping located adjacent to the 4 day festival ending Sunday afternoon.
Included in rally fee:
- ‘Build your own’ pizza (vegetarian options)
- 'Build your own' breakfast burritos (vegetarian options)
- Campsite assignment and festival wristband will be delivered upon arrival beginning at 8:00am, Thursday, July 10
- Additional 4-day or per day wristbands can be purchased on the festival website or at the gate.
- Additional $10 per pet is required at registration.
- Camping departure is not required until Monday at 10:00am