We Do Caravans Really Well!
In 2024 our 22 National Caravans will travel across North America. We caravan to Alaska, Newfoundland, throughout the Pacific Northwest and Desert Southwest, and in the South and Southeast. Join fellow ACI members for unforgettable Airstream travel adventures.
Interested in joining a caravan? There's a lot more information for ACI members on the Caravan Information page. Just log in to learn more.
What is a Caravan? Video
What is an Airstream Club Caravan?
An Airstream Club caravan is a group of club members traveling together, led by a club volunteer who has arranged an exploration of a region or topic of interest, filled with activities that you might otherwise not find if you were traveling on your own. You meet people at a weekend club rally, but you forge life-long friendships when you caravan with them.
The list of available caravans varies from year to year and new ones are added continually. The most popular caravans have "standby lists" but sign up anyway. Stay flexible and be ready to travel, since there are often last-minute cancellations and you may be invited to join the caravan.
Caravan leaders are unpaid volunteers who plan and lead these trips because they have a passion to share the itinerary they have developed and to meet new people. The Airstream Club started exclusively as a caravan club with Wally Byam leading members on adventures. Caravans are a great way to see new things, participate in new activities, make new friends, and have a great time!
Follow Your Wanderlust - View All Caravans
We just finished our first WBCCI Caravan. We arrived not knowing anyone and were a little nervous but social events had us quickly acquainted with each other. Activities were well planned and fun and included many we would have missed if traveling on our own.
After traveling for three weeks with the same people, we ended it with a sense of a new family. Caravans are just one of the many benefits of Airstream Club International.