Fort Robinson State Park was operating as a military fort from the early days of the old west until after World War II. Many historical events occurred at the Fort, including the tragic Cheyenne Breakout in 1879 and the death of the famous Sioux Chief, Crazy Horse. Over the years, the Fort served as Red Cloud Indian agency, Cavalry remount station, K-9 training center and a POW camp. It became a state Park in 1962.
Camping will be in the full hook up sites of the Red Cloud campground.
Numerous activities to get involved in:
Hayrack Steak Cookout ($31/person) Pay on registration form.
There is a veggie burger if desired. $30 per person
Post Playhouse Theatre (Adult $33, >65 $28) Purchase tickets after registering for rally, if desired.
HUDSON-MENG BISON BONEBED SITE TOUR (Exclusive Group Tour starting at 1:30 p.m.)
- - ( $5/person, $2.50 Senior pass, at site)
- - One of the most important paleo-archeological discoveries in North America, 600 bison died nearly 10,000 years ago in an area about the size of a football field.
- - Park Ranger led tour (1 to 1.5 hours) (short film also) See brochure in goody bag.
TOADSTOOL GEOLOGIC AREA, Leave about 8 a.m. arrive about 9 a.m. Additional Information
- - ( $5/person at area)
- - Unique formations and fossil trackways. See brochure in goody bag for more information.
- - Hike interpretative loop 0.8 miles (hike on own or as small group)
- - Drive or Hike to Hudson-Meng site, 3 mile hike (1.5 hours), 13 miles driving (~45minutes )
Other Activities of interest:
Horse back trail rides
Jeep Rides
Historical Tour of Fort Robinson
Fort Robinson and Trailside museums
Hiking the trails of Fort Robinson
Golf (Legend Buttes, Crawford)
We have reserved 25 sites so please do not contact Fort Robinson to reserve a site. Campsite fee is included in the $163 rally fee.
Each trailer must purchase a Fort Robinson State Park permit, costing $14 per day; four days would be $56.
The QR codes will provide more information about local attractions.