Made in U.S.A.
Join us as we visit factories where American products were made. We start in Jackson Center watching our Airstreams being made then on to Wilson Footballs, Ford F-150, Subaru, Kokomo Opalescent Glass, Illinois Railroad Museum, a Chicago day including an architectural tour by coach, plus many meals and end in Milwaukee. The Harley Davidson tour and Miller Brewing Company will be very interesting and much more.
Start Date: September 5, 2023 Start Location: Wapakoneta, OH
Stop Date: October 12, 2023 Stop Location: Milwaukee, WI
Leader: Beth Racavich #7777
Cell phone: 954-648-7771
Email: berthe.racavich@gmail.com
Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 25
Kitty Fee w/2: $4425 last year cost
Kitty Fee w/1: $3526 last year cost
Guest: $899 last year cost
Deposit Amount: $500 due February 28, 2023
Dates of Payments
Cancellation Fee: $100 plus non-recovered expenses.
Leaders discretion after: