Friday- Arrival and Set up anytime. Sign up to help with small tasks.
We’ll gather @ 5pm for a Potluck (heavy hors d’oeuvres) Happy Hour. This will be your first time to bring your own set ups ( ie plate, utensils, napkins, beverage.) Most don’t want to leave to go back and cook dinner, so just plan to stay and enjoy the potluck appetizers. We’ll have a group campfire after dark.
FYI Rally etiquette- no pets around when food is served, but they are welcome at all other times!
8am Breakfast will be provided. Bring your set ups!
9am Noon Seminars and Demonstrations (More details to follow and a survey so that you can tell us what you want to learn).
1-5pm Lunch on your own, explore the area, make new friends, stick around and learn some more, help with dinner prep, or enjoy a well deserved nap!
5pm Happy Hour- BYOB
6:30pm Dinner is provided - TACO BAR We’ve got the food . You bring your set ups and appetite. Followed by a campfire.
8am Light breakfast provided, ask any more questions, learn to back up your trailer from a pro!
Depart when you’re ready, feeling more confident and excited to try out all your new tricks and tips!