It is also the “Queen of Hearts” Rally. Wear something Red to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Who can wear the most Red? If you have an old picture or wedding picture of you and your spouse, please bring it. Most of our activities will be in the building, and once we get input for the New Owners Seminars, we will announce the times.

Weekend at a glance…

Thursday: Happy Hour 4:00-5:00 don’t forget to bring your favorite beverage. Dinner is on your own.

Friday: Happy Hour: 4:00-5:00 Bring that special beverage. Dinner: We will be leaving about 5:15 and carpooling to Dukes BBQ, 949 Robertson Blvd., Walterboro, SC 29488 (or a restaurant of your choosing).

Saturday: A yummy breakfast will be served at 8:30. Don’t forget to bring your setups. Happy Hour at 4:00-5:00 and bring your favorite beverage. Get ready for Supper at 6:00 and bring your setups.

If you are not in the Seminars, there are some interesting places to visit in Walterboro:

Artisan Center

Walterboro Wildlife Sanctuary

Bedon-Lucas House Museum

Tuskegee Airmen Monument

Antique Stores

Walmart (Just Kidding!)

Note: Kisses will be given out during the weekend if you are interested.


If you are participating in the New Owners Seminar/Maintenance Activities, when responding to Henry, please include the following:

1. What day are you coming?

2. Include a small list of repairs that you need help with.

3. Will you be attending the New Owners Seminar? What areas are you interested in discussing?

4. Will you be attending the Awning Seminar?

a. If you have a manual awning, bring a can of spray silicone lubricant.

b. If you have an automatic awning, bring a can of spray silicone lubricant and a can of spray lithium grease.