Tentative Schedule
Wednesday August 21 - Arrival Day
7 pm Peach Pie and Ice Cream Social in the Shade Area (included in event fees)
Thursday August 22 –
8 am Coffee / Gathering: Bring a cup of coffee, socialize, and plan your day with others
All day Explore the area
5pm Happy Hour
Friday August 23 –
8 am Coffee / Gathering
All day Explore the area
5pm Happy Hour
Saturday August 24 –
8 am Coffee / Gathering
All day Explore the area
5:30 pm Join us in the Shade Area for our “Not So Mega Tasting Event” and Pot Luck
Sunday August 25 -
Departure Day: Checkout before 11AM (Farmer’s Market in Downtown Palisade from 9-1)
We have already reserved all the campsites. Please do not contact the campground to reserve a site. The campground and rally fees are included in the total event fee.
Additional information from your hosts will be emailed to all attendees prior to the event.