You do not need to attend the International Rally to gather with us at Table Rock SP. However, you do need to be a member or prospective member of Indie Streamers.
Indie Streamers Pre-International Rally:
This beautiful park is on the lake and offers a marina with rentals, all kinds of water sports, hiking, biking, and is close to Branson for dining, shows, and shopping.
Details: Rally fee: $25, paid at the rally. Agenda forthcoming.
How to Reserve your Spot:
Table Rock State Park has 2 campgrounds. We will be in Campground 1, in the 150-185 loop. Electric only. Sites are not reserved and there are 3 single sites, 4 family (double) sites left as of 9:45 am Jan 28. The family/buddy sites can accommodate 2 rigs. If you could camp with a friend, we could accommodate more Indies. If that's all that's left when you try to book, let us know and we'll see if there's another Indie who will share. Visit www.icampmo.com or call 877-422-6766 for reservations today. You do not have to attend International to attend this rally.
AFTER you have reserved your site, please fill out the Jotform registration to let us know you're coming. https://form.jotform.com/240076932161149
Please reserve your site now! Hope to see you there!
If you would like to park with Indie Streamers at the Sedalia International Rally email info@airstreamclub.org and ask the office to park you with us. We'll be with all the other Intra-Clubs: Stellas's Sisters, Grapes & Grains, Pride Streamers...