Utah’s Wasatch Airstream Club is co-hosting a free “Tech Talk & Bagels” event with Airstream of Utah at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 5, 2025 at the dealership (3131 West, 2210 South - West Valley City). We will be serving refreshments (bagels, coffee etc.) and the event is open to everyone regardless of Airstream club membership.

The event is free and presents a great opportunity to network, get questions answered, and learn more about your Airstream. It should last about 90 minutes or more depending on interest. If you plan to attend, please RSVP so we have an idea on the amount of bagels & refreshments to provide.

Airstream of Utah will have their experts on-hand to respond to your questions on operations, maintenance, and upgrades. Brad Driver (Thirteen Adventures) has been invited and is expected to attend to also talk with our group.

UWAC will also discuss our exciting 2025 rally plans, including the big Region 11 rally being held in July in Granby, Colorado (near Rocky Mountain National Park.) See the UWAC website for more details on this year’s events.

We did similar “tech talk” events at the dealership in 2024 and 2018, and they were fun and informative. Hopefully you can join us this year to help get ready for the camping season.