October is our annual General Business Meeting where we elect our new slate of Club Officers and we always have a great turnout. The October Rally is traditionally held over the Columbus Day Weekend but with this year's scheduling of the International Rally in October, our schedule is a little off kilter.
We have these sites on hold ONLY UNTIL JUNE 30 and we will need to release any unbooked sites after that date. It doesn't mean you won't get a site after that date but with no guarantee they will be with the group. The Campground is offering us a 12% group discount and has a reasonable cancellation policy if your plans change. So don't wait or procrastinate....book today! Come on out and support your Club.
Reserve online or by calling White Oak Campground directly at (717) 687-6207. You may ask for Kaylee.
Our Group Code: Airstream-24 Expires: Jun 30, 2024