As we get ready for our beautiful Fall to come, it also brings the beginning of a new year for the club. Join us for this fun-filled event that includes voting new members onto your Board of Trustees.

This event will include dinner on Friday evening with fun games after, and, of course, a fireside get together. We will start Saturday morning with our traditional "Past Presidents Pancake Breakfast". At this time, you can meet members that have volunteered to fill the Board positions and continue to move our club forward, scheduling events and rallies for all members to enjoy. After breakfast we will have our membership meeting and members can vote for who they would like to represent our club. (Online voting will be available through our website also.) Happy hour will be hosted, and we ask you to bring your beverage of choice, followed by dinner. The installation and entertainment will follow.

The rally fee will be $30.00 per person; register online or by mail-in. Hope to see all of you join us, be an active member of our awesome club and help your board move our club forward by continuing to find new and fun places to go and be among fellow Airstreamers. Come and check the club's home and join us in honoring members new and old.


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