More detailed event info is being added on our home page on this site, down near the map on that page.
Every Tuesday - Coffee/Breakfast
9am - Roadhouse Grill, South Surrey BC - Call Tom to reserve - 604-538-4149
April 12 - Meet'n'Greet "Newbie" luncheon
12 noon - Cranley Place Community Hall, 2141 Cranley Drive,South Surrey - , or Arlene at
Everyone welcome. Nametags encouraged and appreciated.
April 25-27 - Annual Maintenance Rally
Halliwell Acres - 31426 Downs Road, Abbotsford BC - Bob & Gail Halliwell -
May 1-4 - Vancouver Island Rally
Seal Bay RV Park, 1901 Larch Rd, Courteney BC> Call RV Park directly to reserve a spot - 1-250-339-1837- Carol Hale -
May 29 - June 1 - Joint BC/Washington Unit Rally
Join is a joint WA/BC Airstream Club Rally at The Lakeside Resort, Oliver BC. 28 full hook-up sites shared between the WA and BC Clubs to enjoy on Tuc-el-Nuit Lake in a calm, park-like setting with a 500 ft. private beach. 10 sites will be available to the BC Club, and 18 sites will be available to the WA Club. Co-Hosts: Lori Grassi (Washington Club) J. Kinder (Washington Club) Trenor and Barbara Tilley (BC Club) See our March newsletter for the full registration details.
June 20 - 23 - Riverside Rendezvous Rally
Enderby, BC at Riverside RV Park and Campground, 112 Kildonan Avenue, Enderby. Check out their website. Terri Gamache -
June 27 - 30 - Hedley Hoedown
Riverhaven RV Park - Hedley BC - Brian & Bernice O’Shea - , 778-233-2682
August 23-28 - 68th International Rally
York, Pennsylvania - Airstream Club International
Early September (dates to come) - Small Towns of BC Caravan
Janet Soucy & Paul Wheeler -
Mid September 18-23 - Golf/Installation Rally
John & Chris Millard -
December 8 - Christmas Luncheon
White Spot in Aldergrove - Trevor and Barbara Tilley -