Unit 121 Logo
British Columbia - Canada

Airstream BC Events

A summary list of upcoming events. We will update as new events are added to the schedule.

More detailed event info is being added on our home page on this site, down near the map on that page.


Every Tuesday - Coffee/Breakfast
9am - Roadhouse Grill, South Surrey BC - Call Tom to reserve - 604-538-4149



April 12 - Meet'n'Greet "Newbie" luncheon
12 noon - Cranley Place Community Hall, 2141 Cranley Drive,South Surrey - paul.jan.wheeler@gmail.com , or Arlene at matches7403@gmail.com
Everyone welcome. Nametags encouraged and appreciated.

April 25-27 - Annual Maintenance Rally
Halliwell Acres - 31426 Downs Road, Abbotsford BC - Bob & Gail Halliwell - halliwell4840@telus.net

May 1-4 - Vancouver Island Rally
Seal Bay RV Park, 1901 Larch Rd, Courteney BC> Call RV Park directly to reserve a spot - 1-250-339-1837- Carol Hale - carol.p.hale@gmail.com

May 29 - June 1 - Joint BC/Washington Unit Rally
Join is a joint WA/BC Airstream Club Rally at The Lakeside Resort, Oliver BC. 28 full hook-up sites shared between the WA and BC Clubs to enjoy on Tuc-el-Nuit Lake in a calm, park-like setting with a 500 ft. private beach. 10 sites will be available to the BC Club, and 18 sites will be available to the WA Club. Co-Hosts: Lori Grassi (Washington Club) J. Kinder (Washington Club) Trenor and Barbara Tilley (BC Club) See our March newsletter for the full registration details.

June 20 - 23 - Riverside Rendezvous Rally
Enderby, BC at Riverside RV Park and Campground, 112 Kildonan Avenue, Enderby. Check out their website.  Terri Gamache - gamache6@telus.net

June 27 - 30 - Hedley Hoedown
Riverhaven RV Park - Hedley BC - Brian & Bernice O’Shea - bboshea@hotmail.com , 778-233-2682

August 23-28 - 68th International Rally
York, Pennsylvania - Airstream Club International

Early September (dates to come) - Small Towns of BC Caravan
Janet Soucy & Paul Wheeler - paul.jan.wheeler@gmail.com

Mid September 18-23 - Golf/Installation Rally
John & Chris Millard - millard12581@gmail.com

December 8 - Christmas Luncheon
White Spot in Aldergrove - Trevor and Barbara Tilley - tilley2007@outlook.com