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2025 Leadership

Our Emerald Coast Airstream Club officers are all volunteers. We want to thank everyone that volunteers to be an officer. If you are interested in a leadership position then please reach out to any of the club officers for more information.

President - Randy Shropshire

Vice President - Debra Bingham

Treasurer - David Leach

Secretary - Lindsay Shropshire

Trustee - Wes Herndon

Trustee - Chuck Kelley

Trustee - David Fleet

Trustee - Todd Buhr

Webmaster - Randy Shropshire

Newsletter - Lindsay Shropshire

President - Randy Shropshire
Vice President - Debra Bingham
Treasurer - David Leach
Secretary - Lindsay Shropshire
Trustee - Wes Herndon 
Trustee - Chuck Kelley 
Trustee - David Fleet,
Trustee - Todd Buhr