Idaho Airstream Club
Please welcome your new Officers
At the Installation Rally August 10th, Region 10 Vice President Susan McPhee swore in the new officers for the 2024-2025 year.
Mark Pinkman - President
Tony Wilson - 1st Vice President (on Marks phone)
Michael Archer - Treasurer
Jeannie Pinkman - Secretary
Jerry Collins - Trustee
Calvin Huit - Trustee
We would like to thank Gary Betts and last years officers for their work and dedication to a very successful and enjoyable year.
0 Events
Mark Pinkman
Big Red # 06858
Anthony Wilson
1st Vice President
Big Red # 04209
Jeannie Pinkman
Recording Secretary
Big Red # 06858
Michael Archer
Big Red # 08444
Lorrie Bauer
Membership Chairman
Big Red # 04209
Kelly Huit
Newsletter Editor
Big Red # 08843
Anthony Wilson
Big Red # 04209
Gary Betts
Past President
Big Red # 04637