Idaho Airstream Club
Let's Get This Year Started
Welcome to 2025
This year, we have 6 rallies lined up for you. Please take some time and check them out. They are listed below, so please sign up for as many as you can. "The hosts and everyone involved have put a lot of heart into planning these and would love for you to join the fun and camaraderie!".
Whether it's a live theatrical performance in the mountains of Garden Valley, a Basque heritage festival in downtown Boise, to fishing and relaxing next to the Snake River in Huntington Oregon. These are just a few planned rallies for you to enjoy.
Scheduled Rallies
1. Breakout Rally: April 4-6
2. Desert Oasis: May 15-18
3. Silver Boondock Adventure: June 19-22
4. Jaialdi Basque: July 30 - Aug 3
5. Business and Installation: Sep 19-21
6. Rally in the Valley: Oct 3-5
If you would like to attend any of these, please scroll down to the Event section below and select the one's you are interested in.
We can't wait to see you all. Have a great year.
The Leadership Team
5 Events

Mark Pinkman
Big Red # 06858

Anthony Wilson
1st Vice President
Big Red # 04209
Jeannie Pinkman
Recording Secretary
Big Red # 06858

Michael Archer
Big Red # 08444
Lorrie Bauer
Membership Chairman
Big Red # 04209

Kelly Huit
Newsletter Editor
Big Red # 08843

Anthony Wilson
Big Red # 04209

Gary Betts
Past President
Big Red # 04637