2023 Officers and Committee

The members of NYFLAC board hold executive and general business meetings bi-annually. The board is guided by our approved constitution and by-laws. All officers and committee members are volunteers committed to meeting the needs of all of our membership. Our club would not exist if it wasn't for the hours of effort put in by committed leaders. We thank each of you for the time and effort you contribute to shaping and guiding our club.   Scroll to the bottom of the page for picture of the 2025 Officers and Committee Members.

2025 Officers and Committee Members 

 President: Chris Cappelletti 

1st VP: Mary Fien-Silco 

2nd VPDiana McIntosh

Past President:  

Dick Saxton
Treasurer: Linda Ferguson

Recording Secretary: Cora Saxton

Directors:  Suzanne Russo (2 yrs.) 
                  John Anderson (3 yrs.)

Membership Chairpersons:  Vacant

Newletter: Jen Cappelletti 

 Sunshine:  Jen Cappelletti 


Webmaster and Facebook Admin:  Ron Silco  

NYFLAC 2023 Installation