NMU Winery Rally 2025

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Wines of the San Juan Rally - 2025

Blanco, New Mexico (Near Navajo Dam on the San Juan River)

We'll hike, mountain bike, and tour the Navajo Lake area near Blanco, New Mexico. Aztec Ruins National Monument and a lunch in Durango are also possibilities! There are 5 electric and water sites at this winery - the rest are dry camping, so reserve your spot soon! Let's rally under towering Cottonwoods right near the San Juan River!

We will be camping at Wines of the San Juan Winery Campground, $35.00 per night (dry camping $15.00 per night). You must make your own camping reservations.

Call Wines of the San Juan Winery (contact Marsha at; (505) 632-0879) to make your reservation.

After you have made your camping reservation, you must fill and submit the Registration and Payment Form to attend the rally.

  • 5 sites have water and electric, but no sewer. $35.00 per night.
  • The rest are dry camping only. $15.00 per night.
  • There is a dump station 2 miles from the winery.

Nearby events, activities and/or attractions:

  • Aztec Ruins National Monument 
  • Navajo Lake and Dam (hike & bike)
  • Durango, Colorado 
  • Simon Canyon (hiking)
  • Fly fishing in the Quality Waters.
  • Sportsman Bar and Grill
  • The winery itself  - wine tastings

Rally Fee: 

$15.00 per person. We'll have potlucks with heavy appetizers, and morning donuts with bring-your-own coffee. Happy hours will take place each evening. The visits to restaurants will be "pay your own tab."

Contact Info:

Babbi Baker

Kory Baker

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