Below is a list of our Committees
- Bell Ringer Editor - Joyce Butucel
Collects newsworthy items of interest to club members and publishes a monthly newsletter with past and future events of the Unit, Region & International. Forwards material to Headquarters for publishing in the Blue Beret and Directory with respect to the Unit’s activities and schedule.
- Caravan - Ken Whitman and Bob Wilson
To plan, organize and obtain leaders for unit caravans that are operated or conducted for the Unit within the scope of the WBCCI Caravan Handbook.
- Constitution & By-Laws - Eric Pollard
Conducts a continuing review and study of the unit and International Constitution and Bylaws and makes recommendations for the amendments or additions deemed desirable and in the best interest of the club.
- Directory - Bill Welch
Maintains and publishes the Membership Directory
- Hospitality - Kathy Welch and Donna Pollard
To receive and make welcome guests and new members at club functions and send greeting cards as appropriate.
- Finance (Auditor) - Donna Pollard
Audits bank account, receipts and expenditures and verifies supporting documents are retained and appropriate.
- Membership - Terry Montgomery
Serves as unit contact for prospective new members & explains the purpose and objectives of ACI. Extends invitations to prospective members to attend a rally or meeting when making application for membership.
- Nominating - Terry Montgomery
Chairs committee to secure nominees for 2022 Unit positions of 2nd VP, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer & Directors.
- Nuts & Bolts - John Leake and Terry Montgomery
Conducts seminars on maintenance and upkeep of Airstream Trailers.
- Photographer - Joanne Wallis and Gail Broadway
Records unit activities on film & provides to President and Newsletter Editor.
- Public Relations - John Leake
Conducts communications to promote the club and the WBCCI.
- Registration - Donna Pollard
Registers rally attendees. Collects fees for rallies.
- Social Media - Melia Jacobs
Maintains and publishes Social Media
- Webmaster - Bill Welch
Maintains the club website including the newsletter and relevant link sites.
- Worship - Paul Welch and Vickie Lee
Coordinates Sunday worship services for each rally.

About our club
If you own an Airstream, we invite you to join us in the Palmetto State Airstream Club. Many of our members call South Carolina home but we have members from surrounding states as well. Remember: Home is where you hook up!
We are an active unit, with rallies planned most months and luncheons scheduled for the winter months of December and February. Our rally locations vary and include state parks and private campgrounds in SC and NC with a few rallies scheduled at the club's home base - Palmetto Cove RV Park in Cleveland, SC.