Piedmont AC Alumalina 2020
Piedmont Airstream Logo

Piedmont North Carolina Airstream Club

We welcome you to the website for the Piedmont North Carolina Airstream Club 161. We are part of Region 3 of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI), the recreational vehicle club of Airstream owners.

Piedmont Unit members come from a variety of backgrounds but have a love of Airstreams in common. Our rallies offer tours, potlucks, meals out, and lots of fellowship around the campfire. We try to structure our activities so both retired and working members can attend.

Since our membership is spread across North Carolina, we try to plan so that a member will have at least one event close to home during the year. Come and join us to see what WBCCI Fun, Fellowship, and Adventure is all about.

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Contact Us

Debbie Stubbs, Membership Chair

Greensboro, NC 27410