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Region 3

Region 3 serves the southeastern coast of the United States from Virginia to Florida. The seventeen local clubs in Region 3 are amongst the five states of VA, NC, SC, GA and FL.

Our members join together each Spring for a large Region 3 Rally. We also have many special rallies throughout the year.

We strive to bring Airstream RVers together to promote safe travel to interesting places, provide fellowship and help the communities we visit in a positive civic manner. The fellowship and friendships that develop over the years is an important by product of our efforts.

Many of our members are very knowledgeable about Airstreams and travel and they willingly pass this along information to others. We look forward to seeing you at our next rally. You can reach us via email by contacting any of the current Region 3 officers.

All Upcoming Region 3 Events

Contact Us

Wayne Clark

c/o Region 3 - WBBCI, 6350 Lake Oconee Parkway, STE 110, PMB #39, Greensboro, GA 30642