Texas Plains Airstream Club Constitution


This organization is a chartered Club of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc. and shall be known as the Texas Plains Airstream Club (July 2018) of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc.


The objectives of this non-profit organization shall be:

To furnish encouragement and assistance in the development of the Club and thus afford fraternization for recreational vehicle owners.

To encourage safe driving and assist in improving the general wel­fare of the recreational vehicle public through assistance and active par­ticipation of all its members in building a strong organization for the betterment of goodwill toward recreational vehicle travel.

To coordinate with and participate in the interests and activities of the International and the Region.

To cooperate with other organizations and Clubs within our sphere which are seeking to elevate the standards and ethics of the various groups.

To disseminate information of an advisory and educational nature which will be of value to its members and the public.

To study, advise and recommend legislation which is in the interest of the recreational vehicle public and oppose all legislation, which is discriminatory and injurious to the recreational vehicle public.

To encourage government and private agencies to provide more and better recreational vehicle parks and facilities.


Section 1

An adult who owns a hard-sided recreational vehicle manufactured by Airstream, Inc. shall be eligible for membership. (1/19/07)

Section 2

There are two classes of membership in this club--Regular Members and Affiliate Members. (1/19/07)

Section 3

An applicant for membership in this Club must submit an application in writing and, upon the payment of International and Club dues, shall be a Regular Member of this Club. (7/8/94)

Section 4

Regular Members who have sold their recreational vehicle manufac­tured by Airstream, Inc., may, upon request, retain their membership as Regular Members of this Club pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 2 AR­TICLE VI of the International Constitution. Such Regular Members shall possess all the rights and privileges of the International Club, in­cluding full voting rights in all elections and on all questions. (7/5/96) Section 5

Regular Members of another Club may become Affiliate members in this Club by an application to the Membership Committee and upon acceptance shall possess all the rights and privileges of the Club ex­cept:

The right to hold office in the Club.

The right to vote in the selection or election of officers in the Club, Region or International or on any amendment to the Club or the Inter­ national Constitution.

The right to vote on the dissolution of the Club, consolidation of the Club with one or more Clubs, or the merger of the Club with another Club. (Iii 9/07)

Section 6

Applicants for Affiliate membership in this Club must submit dues and show evidence of membership in the International Club through another duly chartered Club. (6/23/0 I)

Section 7

Failure to pay either Club or International dues will automatically terminate membership in the Club.

Section 8

In those cases of co-ownership of a hard-sided recreational vehicle manu­factured by Airstream, Inc., the rights and privileges of membership shall be deemed to include the spouses or partners of such co-owners but collectively such co-owners, spouse or partner shall each possess one vote except such co­-owners, spouse or partner who each pay International and Club dues to this Club shall each have one vote. A co-owner is defined as one of two WBCCI members who own a single Airstream recreational vehicle.


Section 1

The officers of the Club shall be Regular members of the Club and shall consist of:


First Vice President

Second Vice President

Corresponding Secretary

Recording Secretary Treasurer

4 Directors (6/23/0I)

Section 2

The Officers shall be elected before September 1 and shall be in­ stalled and shall assume office at the December rally each year. (8/21/l 5) An officer, except for Directors, shall serve in office for a term of one year or until a successor is elected but in no case shall an officer be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office except the Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary or Treasurer provided said officers are duly nominated and elected for each term of office. (1/19/07)

Section 3

The Directors shall be elected before September 1, each for a term of two years (8/21/15) but arranged so that only one-half such Directors terms expire in any one year. No Director shall serve more than one two-year term consecutively. (1/19/07) The directors will be installed the same time officers are installed.

Section 4

An officer who advances to an office pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 5 of this ARTICLE shall not be deemed to have served a full term in such office unless said service is for a period of greater than one-half (1/2) the term of such office. (1/19/07)

Section 5

In the event of the death or resignation of the President or the death, advancement or resignation of a Vice President, or an officer's inability to fulfill the duties of office, the next ranking Vice President (in the or­ der first, second) shall advance thereto. All other vacancies on the Ex­ecutive Board, except that of the Immediate Past President, shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board. (1/21/94)"


Section 1

The Executive Board shall consist of all of the Club officers plus the immediate Past President of the Club. (1/15/99)

Section 2

The Executive Board shall be the administrative body of the Club and shall define the policies of and have full administrative authority in all matters pertaining to the Club and shall exercise general control and supervision of all officers and committees.

Section 3

The President or any two members of the Board may call a business meeting of the Executive Board at any time deemed necessary. (1/19/07)

Section 4

A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of a majority of its members.


Section 1          

The annual business meeting of the Club shall be held during the month of December. Any Business Meeting of the Club or the Executive Board may be held as an electronic meeting with a minimum of ten (10) days notification to the membership and Board. Such notification will include all necessary information for participation by the membership and Board.

Section 2

All Regular Members, including spouse or partner, voting at the an­nual or additional business meetings of this organization, shall each have one vote. Co-owners, including spouse or partner who pay Inter­ national and Unit/Club dues to this Unit/Club as provided for in Article 111, Sec. 8, shall each have one vote. (7/19/2020) Any electronic meeting will meet the quorums established in the Club's Constitution.

Section 3

Ballots submitted by email, regular mail or facsimile may also be accepted from Regular Members. The President and Recording Secretary shall ensure no member casts more than one ballot. Votes allowed in this manner should be received by the Club no later than two (2) days before the regular or special meetings at which a vote is to be taken. These votes must be kept confidential until voting at a meeting has taken place. Such ballots also count as a part of the quorum for such a business meeting 7/19/2020)


Bylaws consistent with this Constitution and with the Constitution, By­ laws and Policy of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc., embodying additional provisions for the government of the Club may be adopted by the Executive Board.


Section 1

Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be submitted to the Executive Board in writing. The Executive Board shall submit all such amendments to the members for their consideration.

Section 2

Any Article or Section of this Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a business meet­ing of the Club or a special meeting called for that purpose, providing in either case, a notice containing the proposed amendment or amend­ments has been mailed first-class or e-mailed to each member of the Club at least fifteen days prior to such a meeting. (08/21/15). Provision for balloting may follow Article VI, Sec. 3 of this Constitution.

Section 3

All amendments to this Constitution shall become effective upon adoption.

*This Constitution, as last amended, was approved on 2-2-2021 in Lubbock, Texas.

Larry Luman, President Texas Plains Airstream Club


Texas Plains Airstream Club Bylaws


Section 1

Parliamentary procedures/or all meetings of the Club and Executive Board shall be governed by the current edition of ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED except when they are in conflict with the Constitution, Bylaws, or Policy of this Club. (f/19107)

Section 2

The order of business shall may be: (I/18/02)

  1. Opening Ceremonies Invocation (Nonsectarian) Pledge of Allegiance (The United States Pledge of Allegiance may be omitted at all WBCCI rallies, outside of the United States
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Reports of Officers and Committees
  5. Special Orders
  6. Unfinished Business
  7. New Business
  8. Announcements
  9. Adjournment


Section 1 Standing Committees shall be:

  1. Budget
  2. Caravan
  3. Constitution and Bylaws
  4. Ethics and Grievance
  5. Parliamentarian (08/16/15)
  6. Historical
  7. Hospitality
  8. Legislative
  9. Membership
  10. Publicity
  11. Public Relations /Webmaster (08/21/15)
  12. Sheriff (08/21/15)

The President shall appoint and be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. (1/21/94)

Section 2

All standing committees shall consist of a Chairman and as many members as deemed necessary by the President. Chairmen of Standing Committees shall report at each meeting of the Executive Board.


  1. Budget -In cooperation with the incoming and outgoing Treasurer of the Club, prepare for the Executive Board a budget projecting the Club's income and expenditures for the next year. (1/19/07)
  2. Caravan -To plan, organize, and obtain leaders for Club caravans that are operated or conducted for the Club within the scope of the WBCCl Caravan Handbook. To develop an aggressive Club Caravan program and to coordinate Club caravan matters with appropriate Re­gion and International Caravan Committee personnel. (1/21/94)
  3. Constitution and Bylaws -To conduct an annual continuing re­ view and study of the Club and the International Constitution and By­ laws and to make recommendations for any amendments or additions deemed desirable and in the best interest of the Club. (1/21/94)­ REMEMBER: Club constitutions and bylaws must be submitted every 5 years to Region 9 and WBCCI even if revisions have not been made. (08/21115)
  4. Ethics and Grievance -To investigate and assess all grievances or complaints made by members and others and to make recommendations thereon to the Club Executive Board.
  5. Parliamentarian - To ensure that all club meetings follow all Roberts Rules of Order. Newly Revised as outlined in Article 1 and Sec­tion! and Section 2 of the Texas Plains Airstream Club (July 2018) By­laws
  6. Historical -To record events including written and pictorial mate­rial associated with Club activities and to maintain an historical record of such. (1/21/94)
  7. Hospitality -To receive and make welcome guests and new mem­-bers at club functions. Recommend ways to meet and greet all club members and guests at rallies and/or seasonal functions. (1/21/94)
  8. Legislative -To study, advise and recommend legislation in the interest of the Club and its members; to recommend opposition to all legislation that is discriminatory and injurious to the interest of the Club and its members. (1/21/94)
  9. Membership -Be the Club/Club contact for prospective new mem­ bers and explain the purpose and objectives of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International. Extend invitations to prospective members to attenda rally or meeting when making application for membership. Coordinate with the Treasurer to ensure having an accurate list of paid-up members, and to assist the Treasurer, as needed, in following up on all members who have not paid dues by October 15th. (1/19/07)
  10. Publicity -To collect newsworthy items of interest to club mem­ bers and to publish monthly a newsletter containing past and future events of the Club, Region and International. To publish yearly a roster in the form and content as directed by the Executive Board. Forward material to Headquarters for publishing in the Blue Beret and Directory with respect to the Club's activities schedule. (1/21/94)
  11. Public Relations/Webmaster -To maintain communications with the International and Region Public Relations Committees for maintain­ing a continuing program of public relations between WBCCI and com­munities being exposed to rallies and caravans. (1/21/94). The webmas­ter will also maintain the web site. (08/21/15)
  12. Sheriff To encourage members to wear their badges at all times at official functions. The Sheriff will collect fines set by the Executive Committee. The Sheriff will forward all fines collected to the Texas Plains Airstream Club (July 2018) Treasurer. (08/21/15)

Section 3

Special Committees may be appointed by the President as required.


A guest (or guests) sponsored and invited by a member in good standing and using the member's trailer or motor home or staying in a non-RV facility such as a cabin, motel room, etc., may attend activities of the Club. Members sponsoring such a guest shall pay one extra rally fee exclusive of the parking fee. (I/19/07)

A member in good standing in this Club may sponsor and invite a non-member Airstream recreational vehicle owner, as a prospective member, to attend rallies and other activities of the Club. (7/5/01)

Members in good standing in the International Club may attend ac­tivities of the Club provided that such members, and where required, shall have made prior reservation for each attendance. (1 /19/96)

A Club, once each calendar year, may host a rally or caravan or com­bination thereof with a recreation vehicle club not chartered by the Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc., and it may conduct twice each calendar year, (but not more than 50% of the rallies and caravans conducted by that Club in any calendar year) a buddy rally or a buddy caravan or combination thereof to which each member of the Club may invite not more than one non-member recreation vehicle family. (7/5/02)

The non-member RV family to be invited is intended to be one that is a prospective member and one that does not own an Airstream. The family is invited to the buddy rally or caravan to introduce them to the WBCCI "Way of Life" and the Club members in the hope they might decide to purchase an Airstream and join the club. A buddy rally is not intended to be used by current or past WBCCI members to attend a WBCCl rally. Visitation should not be used in lieu of membership. (08/21/15)


The Executive Board shall, not less than ninety (90) days prior to the Club's annual election meeting, appoint a three member Nominating Committee who shall, after having obtained the prior acceptance for office of each nominee if elected, place in nomination one candidate for each office to be filled by election, and submit a written report to the Executive Board which shall include the names of all candidates con­sidered, and the President shall distribute the report to the membership not less than fifteen (15) days prior to said business meeting. Additional candidates who have previously consented to accept the office if elected, may be placed in nomination from the floor of said meeting.

No seconds are required for any nomination. (1/21/94)


Section 1

The President shall:

Preside at all meetings of the Club and Executive Board. Enforce the Constitution and Bylaws.

Appoint all standing committees and the Parliamentarian. (1/19/07 Have such powers and duties as normally pertain to the principal executive officer.

Section 2

The 1st Vice President shall:

Attend all business meetings of the Club and the Executive Board. Shall assist the President.

Assume the duties of the President in the President's absence. (1/21/94)

Section 3

The 2nd Vice President shall:

Attend all business meetings of the Club and the Executive Board. Assist the President and the First Vice President.

Assume the duties of the First Vice President in the absence of said officer.

Assume the duties of the President in the case of the absence of the President and the First Vice President.

Perform the duties as assigned by the Executive Board. (1/21/94)

Section 4

The Corresponding Secretary shall: Issue notices of all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board as prescribed in Article VI, Sections I and 2 and Article VIII, Section 2 of the Constitution and ARTICLE XI, Sec. I of the Bylaws. (1/19/07) • Prepare an agenda of pending business for use by the presiding officer at each meeting. • Coordinate with the Treasurer to maintain an accurate roster of paid­ up members of the Club. (1/19/07)


Section 5

The Recording Secretary shall: Record and preserve the minutes of all official meetings of the Club and the Executive Board, and mail copies to the members of the Executive Board not more than fifteen days following each meeting. (1/19/07) Record the atten­dance of the officers at each meeting and advise the presiding officer if a quorum is present.

Section 6

The Treasurer shall: • Maintain the financial records of the Club and receive all monies, as prescribed in International Bylaws, Article XVI, Financial Management, Sec. 12 - 13 and Policy, 16.6.1, Financial Data Guidelines and promptly deposit them in the bank previously chosen by the Executive Board. (1/19/07) • Notify members of expi­ration of dues, issue receipts for dues paid through the Club, and maintain an up-to-date roster of paid-up members. Changes to this roster shall be shared with the Corresponding Secretary, the News­letter Editor, and the Membership Chairman. In addition, the Membership Chairman shall be notified of all members who have not paid their dues by December I in order that the membership chairman might assist the Treasurer in contacting those members to collect their dues prior to December 31. (1/19/07) • Submit a full written report of finances to the Executive Board at each meeting. Each year the books and accounts will be audited by a committee selected by the incoming President. Before retirement, all books, monies and property of the Club sha11 be delivered promptly to the incoming Treasurer. (6/23/01)

Section 7

The duties of the Directors shall be: (1/19/07)

To attend all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board. To accept special assignments as directed by the President.

Additional duties may be to chair or be members of committees. (1/19/07)


The Executive Board shall appoint one delegate and one alternate from among the Regular Members who will attend the annual Delegates meeting of the parent organization, the Wally Byam Caravan Club In­ternational, Inc. Any vacancy occurring following such selection shall be filled by appointment by the President. An Affiliate Member of this Club who is a regular member in the same region may be appointed if the Club has no Regular Members who are going to attend the Dele­ gates Meeting. The delegate should be instructed with respect to the wishes of the Club on matters to come before the meeting. The Presi­ dent and Secretary shall certify to these appointments. (I /19/07)


Section 1

The annual Club dues of Regular and Affiliate members shall be set by the Executive Board. (1/17/97)

Section 2

A member who fails to pay properly assessed International and Club dues before December 31 may not be listed in the Annual Membership Directory of the International Club for the following year. If the dues are not paid and receipted by the Treasurer on or before December 31, the membership will be terminated. (7/5/96)


All members shall abide by the following Code of Ethics:

  1. To be ever mindful of our responsibility to Wa11y Byam Caravan Club International, Inc., and through conduct, indicate to the publicthat membership in this organization is an assurance of our courtesy on the road and good will to all peoples and countries.
  2. To be ever mindful of what we say or print with respect to its ef­fect on others so as to avoid disharmony and ill feelings among club members of diverse ethnicities, religious beliefs or orientation and to dedicate ourselves to the work of cementing together the mem­ bers of WBCCI in bonds of good fellowship and mutual under­ standing. (I /I 9/07)
  3. To conduct ourselves in a manner to inspire others engaged in recreational vehicle travel to a full appreciation of the intent and mean­ing of this code.
  4. To maintain our camps in an orderly manner and leave them the same way.


Neither the Local Club nor its officers are responsible for the loss of or damage to property or for injury to or death of a person on the premises of any club function. This freedom from responsibility for loss or damage to property ap­plies regardless of whether that property has been received by any member or officer or left upon the premises.


Sec. I Policy consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Club and with the Constitution, Bylaws and Policy of the Wally Byam Caravan Club Interna­ tional, Inc., embodying additional provisions for the governance of the Club may be adopted by the Executive Board or the Club members. (10/29/20)


Sec. t These Bylaws may be amended at any business meeting of the Execu­ tive Board by a two-thirds vote, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted to all members of the Executive Board in writing ten (I 0) days prior to such meeting. (1/19/07)

Sec. 2 Such amendments shall become effective upon adoption.


In the event the members of this Club deem it desirable for this Club to merge with another Club, or for the Club to consolidate with one or more Clubs, or for the Club to dissolve, the members shall, through the President of this Club, follow the appropriate procedures as prescribed in ARTICLE VII, Section 1 through 6 of the Bylaws of the International Club. These procedures are in accordance with Section 501 (c) 7 of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

*These Bylaws, as last amended, were adopted by the Board On 2-2-202lat Lubbock, Texas

Larry Luman, President Texas Plains Airstream Club


Constitution and Bylaws