Olde Virginia Rally Chippokes State Park June 12-15, 2025
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The Spirit of Virginia Airstream Club 2025 rally season is a special treat with a tour of great Virginia State Parks. After Belle Isle SP on the Rappahannock in March and James River SP in May, we’re heading way East in June to Chippokes SP, also on the James, right before it dumps into the Hampton Roads.
Chippokes State Park is in Surry County. It is named after the Chippokes Plantation which was established here in 1619. The original planter (Allen) named it Chippokes after a friendly Algonquin Indian chief.
On-site activities include hiking, cycling, farming museum, and two manor houses. The campground is modern and spacious. All sites are paved and electric/water service. Check out the park at,
https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/s t at e- p ark s/ chi p pokes
We will have a private tour of nearby Bacon’s Castle (the oldest brick residence in the U.S.), a group dinner in Surry, and more to come.
Area attractions include the James and Pagan Rivers, charming Smithfield VA, Isle of Wight, and the Hampton Roads Winery (come for the wine, stay for the “goat tower”!).
https://www.hamptonroadswi ne ry. com/
Historic Jamestown is a quick ferry ride across the James. So much to do!
We have reserved 12 campsites with water and 30/50-amp electric. A full-service bathhouse and dump station are on site.
Sites will be assigned after we receive your Jotform registration and payment.
Reservations will be limited to SoV regular and affiliate members for two weeks. On Valentine’s Day, we will open it up to all club members and post the jotform link on the ACI website
The campsite fee for three nights is $135. The rally fee is $20 per person.
Register here: https://form.jotform.com/2333 1 627 4 846 1 57
Pay here by Zelle or by Venmo:
or mail a check payable to:
Christine Baum
14308 Medley Grove Lane Doswell, VA 23047
(609) 202-5015
Joe Baum: baumjs@outlook.com
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