u149 staycation

Sign Up for “trailerless” fun, food, and friends - Feb. 20-21-22, 2025

We have planned a special event for the weekend of Feb 20-23, 2025,  (Thurs-Sun).

The event is limited to 15 BRNs, single or double.

The Kitty Fee for this is

Single: $1085 or Double: $1,395.

Included in the Fee: three nights first-class lodging (Thurs, Fri, and Sat night), three breakfasts, a reception, two dinners, two theater events, and an illustrated handout listing our agenda plus local attractions and adventures.

Use the link below to register and pay. Fees are not collected at Jackson Center.


Click Below to Register. No Money Due today.

When your registration is accepted you will get a link for payments.




 View the Staycation Flyer



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