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Officers and Committees

    The Virginia Airstream Club officers and board members are all volunteers. This club would not exist without volunteers. We owe a round of “thanks” to these great people for their time and efforts in guiding our club. Consider volunteering for Rally or Caravan leader, parker, meal provider/organizer. We need your help and input.
    Please consider sharing your talents with the club. You are invited to talk to any of the club’s officers about serving in a leadership position.
    Scroll down to see the current list of officers serving the Virginia Airstream Club.

2025 Board of Directors List by Position:

President: Mindy Downie

First VP: Heather Moore

Second VP: Jerry Hanson

Secretary: Vicki Carter

Treasurer: Peter Davey

Past President – Jeff Cutright

Trustee (1-year) – Doug Moore

Trustee (1-year) – Scott Vaughan

Trustee (2-year) – Sheila Edwards

Trustee (2-year) – Jim Reynolds

Chair Positions: 

Caravan and Rallies: Natlie Clevinger

Membership Chair: Stephanie Tisch

Newsletter Editor: Heather Moore

Webmaster: Stephanie Tisch and Jeff Cutright 

Directory Chair: David Broad