Watchung NJ Airstream Club
Welcome to our web site! We are a group of Airstream camper owners. You've seen them on the road - the silver, rounded, some really shiny trailers with big red numbers on the front and back. We love to travel, spend time with friends, and have fun.
Although most of our members are from New Jersey, we also have members from New York and Pennsylvania, and as far away as South Carolina and Florida. We have members who: are just recently retired, are retired for a while, are working full-time, have small children and not so small children. Having such diverse members, just makes our club that much more interesting.
In the spring, summer, and fall we travel in caravans and attend camping rallies. Those members who stay north for the ‘off-season’, get together for monthly luncheons.
By joining the Watchung NJ Unit, you will receive our monthly newsletter (The Hillbilly), get to know some really interesting people, and most importantly have fun.
You can join our club online through the Airstream Club site, airstreamclub.org When prompted for the Club or Unit you would like to join, select Watchung Airstream Club #0068
3 Events

Leslie DeHerde
Big Red # 06590
Heidi Cullen
1st Vice President
Big Red # 22024

Steven Germansky
2nd Vice President
Big Red # 08531

Frank DeHerde
Corresponding Secretary
Big Red # 06590

Richard Short
Recording Secretary
Big Red # 01512
Lois Wagner
Big Red # 16003
George Kiesel
Membership Chairman
Big Red # 07191
Derek Conley
Newsletter Editor
Big Red # 16003

Mark Ratliff
Big Red # 05070

Lea Plant
Past President
Big Red # 02256