2024/2025 Officers

Officers and Committees

Our Wisc-UP Airstream Club officers are all volunteers. We thank them for their time and efforts in guiding our club. Please consider sharing your talents with the club. You are invited to talk to any of the club’s officers about serving in a leadership position.
    Scroll down to see the current list of officers serving the Wisc-UP Airstream Club.

President -- Morten Lindstad
First Vice President -- Jenny Bibler
Second Vice President -- Zachary Lee
Treasurer -- Kurt Jorgensen
Secretary -- Jason Staffin
First Trustee -- Tim Valenza
Second Trustee -- Jeff Bibler
Third Trustee -- Matt Lee
Past President -- Jim Guthrie

Standing Committees
Caravan -- Linda Meinholz
Constitution & Bylaws -- Steve Piotrowski
Membership -- Pattie Cook
Public Relations -- Pattie Cook
     Newsletter -- Ed Emerick emerick4425@gmail.com
     Directory -- Bob Manak bobmanak@gmail.com
     Website -- Bob Manak  

Special Committees
Nominating -- Jim Guthrie
Budget -- Kurt Jorgensen

Past Presidents List