Store Front
How would you like to be able to purchase Idaho Airstream specific items. Please let our leadership know if you would be interested in having this.
Flag, Koozies, Shirts...etc
(Idea's are welcome)

Golden Corral
Join Us For Monthly Breakfast
Please join us at our next monthly breakfast
Our Club meets at 8:15am the second Saturday of every month (excluding November) for a no-host breakfast.
Here you can find out more about the Idaho Airstream Club.
We have a short informational meeting at 9am, followed by good conversations and share lots of Airstream knowledge.
Golden Corral, 8460 W Emerald St, Boise.

Photo OP
Lorrie Bauer is updating the membership directory for the Idaho chapter. We would like to get a picture of you to put in it. So please send a picture (head shot/s) that you would like us to use, or she could take one at our up coming rally or harvest dinner.
Email to: LorrieBauer7@gmail.com