Rally Planning Document Library

Planning Resources

Have you ever been to a memorable location, RV site, or campground and thought it would be nice to share that same experience with your Airstream club friends? You can do this by hosting a rally! Your planning can be as simple or involved as you feel comfortable. Feel free to team-up with another member to plan and then host/co-host a rally. Our club has provided some forms, guidelines, and tools to help you plan for and host a rally.

Setting up a no plans / no formal agenda rally: 

Express Rally Form

Setting up a hosted, formally planned rally event: 

INWAC Rally Guide (pdf)

INWAC Rally Worksheet (pdf)

INWAC Rally Cost Worksheet (pdf)

If you get stuck or need advice while planning, reach out to any of the club officers and we can help you. If you need help brainstorming, planning, documenting, or facilitating a rally event, a great person to start with is Suzanne, our INWAC Rally Coordinator ( 


Upon drafting your rally plans in either the Express Rally Form, or INWAC Rally Worksheet, submit your documents to our Rally Coordinator at