Our MCAC Officers for 2024-25: Jeanne Zarr President, Dendy Jarrett 1st VP, John Marshall 2nd VP, Mary Beth Nelson Treasurer, Lisa Viator, Corresponding Secretary, and Randi Baxter Recording Secretary!

Officers & Committees

Our Music City Airstream Club officers are all volunteers. This club would not exist without good leaders. We owe a round of “thanks” to these great people for their time and efforts in guiding the Music City Airstream Club. Please consider sharing your talents with the club. You are invited to talk to any of the club’s officers about serving in a leadership position. Scroll down to see the current list of Music City Officers.


President: Jeanne Zarr
First VP: Dendy Jarrett
Second VP: John Marshall
Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Viator
Recording Secretary:  Randi Baxter
Treasurer: Mary Beth Nelson


Immediate Past President (2023-2024): Betty Nordgren


Membership Chair: Lisa Viator
Webmaster: Dendy Jarrett



Immediate Past President (2023-2024): Betty Nordgren (BRN 5744)

Past President (2022-2023): Fran Holberg (BRN 19479)
Past President (2021-2022): Jerry Hodge (BRN 6673)

Past President (2020-2021): Charles McGee (BRN 6748)
Past President (2019-2020): John Jackson (BRN 11852)

Past President (2018-2019): Jim Lee (BRN 5112)
Past President (2017-2018): Jim Lee (BRN 5112)

Past President (2016-2017): Linda Gough (BRN 23619)
Past President (2015-2016): Jeanie Tillman (BRN 1361)

Past President (2014-2015): Jim Johnson (BRN 4183)
Past President (2013-2014): Rachel Shepherd (BRN 7406)

Past President (2013-2014): Fred Lieb (BRN 4202)
Past President (2012-2013): Gene Gough (BRN 23619)

Past President (2011-2012): Patsy Gordon (BRN 18348)
Past President (2010-2011): Gene Gough (BRN 23619)

Past President (2009-2010): Janet Gordon (BRN 2274)
Past President (2008-2009): Boyd Joiner (BRN 1635)

Past President (2007-2008): Jim Johnson (BRN 4183)

Our MCAC Officers for 2024-25: Jeanne Zarr President, Dendy Jarrett 1st VP, John Marshall 2nd VP, Mary Beth Nelson Treasurer, Lisa Viator, Corresponding Secretary, and Randi Baxter Recording Secretary!