Music City Airstream Club Logo

Information for Rally Hosts

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Purpose - To have a fun camping experience for ALL!


Hosting a rally is fun and easy! Once you volunteer to host (usually as a couple), don’t hesitate to ask other MCAC members for ideas. Our members do love to pitch in and help. They are full of fun ideas for our rally, so again, don’t worry if you have not hosted before. You can also suggest your co-host or Jeanne can help find them for you, or she can pitch in and co-host as well. Rally attendees can’t wait to see the agenda/itinerary and what you have found and planned for suggested activities. If you have hosted before, then please host again. Your co-hosts (usually another couple) can learn from you as you plan the rally together.

  1. Once the rally hosts have been determined, they need to work together to develop and publish the rally agenda on a Word or similar doc, with the details, e.g., dates, times, and activities for the rally. This is usually done one to two months before each listed rally but can be done sooner.
  2.  Once a tentative rally agenda has been created, please e-mail it to our President at She will review and potentially make suggestions. Once finalized, she will e-mail blast it to our members and our webmaster who will post it on our web page. She will also post it on our Music City Facebook page. 
  3.  As a rally host you will incur expenses for items purchased for that rally (i.e., breakfast items, main course dish, goody bags, etc.) Our rally fee of $10 per person (no charge for kids) usually covers those expenses but do be careful not to overspend. A potluck, foil dinner, or eating out at an area restaurant (Dutch treat) will help you to reduce your rally cost. Also, talk to the park rangers about reducing the fee if a pavilion is available. Of course, it’s great if there is no charge.
  4. Please, please keep all your rally expense receipts. All receipts can be photographed by cell phone and sent to our treasurer, Mary Beth Nelson at, along with your name (host) and address where you want her to send the reimbursement check. Note: Please keep your personal items separate from your rally items.
  5. WBCCI lists our webpage in every Blue Beret and also on the website at As this is our brand we need to contribute to this web page. It is Jeanne’s hope and expectation that one of our hosts at each of our rallies will write a short summary of that rally and submit it, along with a few pics to our webmaster Dendy Jarrett at Jeanne will also e-mail blast it to our members so please copy her in the email to Dendy.


  1. Once you have your campsite reserved for each rally, please email to let her know your confirmed plans. She will keep the attendee list for each rally.
  2. Your rally hosts may ask you to bring food to share. Members usually provide food (appetizers, sides, or desserts on at least 2 of the 3 typical nights). Please participate as this helps to keep our rally fees down and we get to sample some great home cooking!
  3. We often have a craft segment during our rallies for a nominal fee (usually $5) and you are encouraged to participate.
  4. Setting up and breaking down a pavilion or campsite for our rallies is hard work and we ask our members to help out, if possible.
  5. If any of our rally attendees need to cancel their reservation prior to the rally (be aware of cancellation policies and fees) please let Jeanne know via e-mail at She will e-mail blast your available campsite and post it on FB. This will ensure that our members who were not able to get a campsite can then join us. Thank you for your consideration in doing this.



  1. Jeanne will keep a list of registered campers for each rally for 2025.
  2. Jeanne will send out the rally schedule with updated host info occasionally.
  3. Prior to each rally she will send out the list of rally attendees, along with the agenda.
  4. Jeanne will be at all rallies for 2025 so she will collect and deposit all fees as each rally ends, unless our treasurer is there. She will also send a photo of the deposit slip to our treasurer if she makes the deposit.

NOTE: Rally hosts please include the following on your Agenda/Itinerary:

Wear your nametags

Bring your chairs and set-ups to all get-togethers


We need and appreciate your feedback so please don’t hesitate to email your President at

What you need to know ....

Information for Rally Hosts!