Purpose - To have a fun camping experience for ALL!
Hosting a rally is fun and easy because our members love to pitch in and help so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Our members are also full of fun ideas for your rally so again don’t worry if you have not hosted a rally. Our members are always glad to help out and can’t wait to see what you have found and planned for suggested activities for our campers to do.
1. Once the rally host has been determined, they need to develop and publish the rally agenda on a word or similar doc, with dates, time and activities for the dates the rally will take place. This is usually done one to two months before each listed rally but can be done sooner. (See Rally Schedules)
2. Once a tentative Rally Agenda has been made please e-mail to your pres, Betty Nordgren at bnordgren22@gmail.com. I will e-mail blast it to our members and our webmaster who will post it on our web page. I or the rally host will also post it on our Music City Facebook page.
3. I will be keeping the record of registered campers for each rally for 2024. As soon as I have hosts for each of the rallies I will send you the list of rally attendee’s and updates as they occur.
4. If anyone of our rally attendee’s needs to cancel their reservation before the campground cancellation date, please let me know via e-mail at bnordgren22@gmail.com. I will e-mail blast your available campsite and post it on FB. This will allow our members that can no longer get a camp spot to be able to join us. Thank you for your consideration in doing that.
5. As a rally host you will incur expenses for items purchased for that rally. (ie. breakfast items, main course dish, goody bags, etc.) Our rally fee of $10 per person (no charge for kids ) usually covers those expenses so be careful to not over spend. A potluck, foil dinner or eating out at an area restaurant (dutch treat) will help you to reduce your rally cost. Also talk to the park rangers about a reduced pavilion fee if a pavilion is available for a fee.
6. Please, please keep all of your rally expense receipts. All receipts need to be photographed by phone and sent to our treasurer, Mary Beth Nelson at 158treasurer@wbcci.net, along with your name (host) and address you want your refund check to go to.
Note: Please keep your personal items separate from your rally items.
7. Jay and I will be at all rallies except for the March rally so I will collect and deposit all fees as each rally ends, unless our treasurer is there. I will also send a photo of the deposit slip to our treasurer if I make the deposit.
8. WBCCI lists our webpage in every Blue Beret and also their website at airstream.org. As this is our brand we need to contribute to this web page. It is my hope and expectation that one of our hosts at each of our rallies will write a short summary of that rally and submit it, along with a few pics to our webmaster Dendy Jarrett at nashvilleairstreamer@gmail.com. I will also e-mail blast it to our members if you send me a copy.
9. Lisa Viator will continue to be our Membership Chair. She will be sending out a welcome letter to new members and also welcome them on our Music City FB page. Linda Tilghman will continue to monitor and welcome people who want to join our MC FB page.
I am looking forward to a fun and great year of Airstream camping in 2024. If you have any questions regarding this page or you would like to volunteer for one of our 2024 rallies please contact me at bnordgren22@gmail.com or call me at 714-719-4901.