North Dakota Peace Garden Unit
The North Dakota Peace Garden Unit was chartered on the 14th day of February, 1974, with Charles O. Darko serving as President and R. F. Watson as its Secretary.
Through the years, the unit has evolved to include members from Manitoba and South Dakota, and neighboring states and provinces. It strives for camaraderie and home-grown fun for Airstreamers of all ages. Our rallies and events are generally laid back and relaxing, from full service resort style campgrounds to dry camping on the open prairie. Got Adventure?
2 Events
North Dakota Peace Garden Unit Leadership
Jeff Hanson
Big Red # 06555
Allan Towles
1st Vice President
Big Red # 04103
Mary Maier
2nd Vice President
Big Red # 21606
Barbara Hanson
Corresponding Secretary
Big Red # 06555
Bev Wells
Recording Secretary
Big Red # 07394
Roxanne Towles
Big Red # 04103
Kelley Jilek
Newsletter Editor
Big Red # 07165
Ryan Jilek
Big Red # 07165
Jeff Hanson
Webmaster - Assistant
Big Red # 06555
Larry Ruebel
Past President
Big Red # 10081