Region 12
Region 12 covers the geographical areas of the states of California and Nevada and is comprised of 11 member clubs which are distributed throughout the two states. Region 12 sponsors an annual Region 12 Fall Rally and the Annual Rose Parade Special Event Rally. Each of the 11 member clubs hold their own monthly rallies or meetings. Click the upcoming events below to see more about what's being planned for Region 12 Clubs and our guests.

Shawn Blom
Big Red # 00240
Robert Minder
1st Vice President
Big Red # 04195

Jason Grendahl
2nd Vice President
Big Red # 03064
Margaret Handshoe
Recording Secretary
Big Red # 01993

Teresa Tighe
Big Red # 03662

LaVerne McHenry
Membership Chair
Big Red # 00153

John Golden
Newsletter Editor
Big Red # 24784

LaVerne McHenry
Past President
Big Red # 00153

Linda Maddox
Big Red # 07831