Alabama, Arkansas, East Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, Music City, Pensacola
Region 6
To our first time viewers, we have seven units in our region, from the central time zone of Florida to the Arkansas hills. Mississippi's delta area to the plains of Alabama. Tennessee's beautiful landscape to Louisiana's Cajun country. We have a wide variety of sites and sounds to enjoy in our region. Our units have many activities planned all year long, from dinner meetings to rallies and caravans.
Our region also hosts the Cajun Caravan. Pensacola, Florida Unit has a member owned campground. The East Tennessee Unit also hosts the Storytelling Rally in early October. The Alabama Club hosts the Old Time Fiddlers Rally at Athens, Alabama in early October.
Are you interested in joining? Visit airstreamclub.org Need more information? Give our Region 6 membership chairwoman a call or e-mail her and she will be glad to assist you. MARY JOHNSON, MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN - hoppyhiker@gmail.com

Janelle Heavener
Big Red # 00289

David Gulley
1st Vice President
Big Red # 12540

Jeff Dalrymple
2nd Vice President
Big Red # 07026
Jennifer Gulley
Corresponding Secretary
Big Red # 32540

Cindy Kugel
Recording Secretary
Big Red # 07026

John Rylee
Big Red # 02050

Martis Tipton
Membership Chair
Big Red # 31114
Jennifer Gulley
Newsletter Editor
Big Red # 32540
Larry Madden
Past President
Big Red # 03909
Steven Padgett
Big Red # 03160