Regular Members
To register as a regular member, please click here:
As a member, you will:
- Be able to register and attend any International, Regional or local Rally or Caravan organized or sponsored by WBCCI and/or SCCAC.
- Receive South Coast Airstream Club membership badge identifying you as a member
- Receive the WBCCI magazine, the Blue Beret
- Have access to “Courtesy Parking”, which is parking at member homes worldwide, at no charge, for an agreed upon short duration
- Have access to “Intra-Clubs” like Vintage, Amateur Radio, Computer etc.
- Receive BIG RED membership “Numbers”, which may be displayed on your Airstream for the purpose of identification at rallies and caravans
- Receive the annual WBCCI membership Directory
- Have one vote per member on any and all WBCCI and/or SCCAC matters.
- Be eligible to serve as an officer on the WBCCI and/or SCCAC Boards
Affiliate Members
WBCCI members may also be a member of multiple Units. This is called “Affiliate Membership.” Send a request to for an application.
As an Affiliate Member of SCCAC, you have all the rights and privileges of a regular member of the Club except:
- You may not be an officer on the SCCAC board.
- You may not vote on any SCCAC matters including officers, amendments to the SCCAC constitution, or other WBCCI matters (your voting rights with WBCCI remain with the unit where you are a regular member).

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