The Intra-Club for Women Airstreamers
Stella's Sisters
Stella’s Sisters Intra-Club is designed to promote women Airstreamers. Stella’s Sisters is open to all members of WBCCI with an emphasis on women members who tow their own airstreams or share the driving with a spouse/partner. The Stella's goal is to provide opportunities for travel, shared skill sets, tips on safe travels, and best maintenance practices while also building friendships.
Join Stella's Sisters Intra-Club
Charissa Wyatt
Big Red # 18385

Lynda Hallmark Gammage
1st Vice President
Big Red # 06538

Carla Daggett
Recording Secretary
Big Red # 01908

Deirdre Matthews
Big Red # 04529

Lynda Hallmark Gammage
Membership Chairman
Big Red # 06538

Charissa Wyatt
Big Red # 18385