The Constitution of the Washington, D.C. Unit

Article I


Sec. 1  This organization is a chartered Unit of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc. (WBCCI) and shall be known as the Washington, D.C. Unit (WDCU) of the WBCCI.

Article II


Sec. 1  The objectives of the non-profit WDCU shall be:

  1. Develop the Unit and thus afford fraternization for recreational vehicle (RV)owners.
  2. Encourage safe driving and the general welfare of the RV public.
  3. Coordinate with and participate in the activities of the WBCCI and Region 2.
  4. Cooperate with organizations which seek to elevate standards and ethics of RV groups
  5. provide information and advice of value to the members and the public.
  6. recommend legislation which is in the best interest of the RV community.
  7. Encourage agencies to provide more in better RV parks and facilities.

Article III


Sec. 1  Anyone who owns an RV manufactured by Airstream, Inc. shall be eligible for membership.

Sec. 2  The WDCU has two kinds of memberships: Regular Members and Affiliate Members.

Sec. 3  An applicant for membership into the WDCU must submit a written application and, upon the payment of the WBCCI and WDCU dues, shall become a Regular Member of this Unit.

Sec. 4  Regular Members who have sold their Airstream RV may retain their Regular Membership pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 2 ARTICLE VI of the WBCCI Constitution. Such Regular Members shall have all the rights and privileges of the WBCCI.

Sec. 5  Any member of the WBCCI may become an Affiliate member of the WDCU by an application to the Membership Chair and upon acceptance shall possess all the rights and privileges of the WDCU except:

  1. The right to hold office in the Unit;
  2. The right to vote in any election and on any issue as is the privilege of the Regular WDCU Members.

Sec. 6  Affiliate Members must pay WDCU dues.

Sec. 7  Failure to pay either Unit or WBCCI dues will terminate membership in the WDCU.

Sec. 8  An owner of an Airstream and his/her spouse/partner who join the WDCU as Regular Members will have one vote per person in the election of officers at the Local and International levels as well as amendments to their respective constitutions.

Article IV


Sec. 1  The officers of the WDCU shall be Regular Members of the Unit and shall consist of:

  1. President
  2. 1st Vice President
  3. 2nd Vice President
  4. 3rd Vice President
  5. Recording Secretary
  6. Treasurer
  7. Membership
  8. Four Trustees
  9. Webmaster

Sec. 2  The Officers shall be elected and installed annually and assume office during the Fall season, September or October. An officer (except Trustees and Webmaster) generally serves for one year or until a successor is elected. The Recording Secretary and Treasurer may serve consecutive terms in the same office provided said officers are nominated and elected for each term of office.

Sec. 3  The Trustees shall be elected annually, each for a term of two years, but arranged so that only one-half of such Trustee terms expire in each year.

Sec. 4   An officer who advances to an office pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 5 of this ARTICLE shall not be deemed to have served a full term in such office unless said service is for a period of greater than one-half the term of such office.

Sec. 5   In the event of the death or resignation of the President (or the death, advancement, or resignation of a Vice President), or an officer’s inability to fulfill the duties of office, the next ranking Vice shall be advanced. All other vacancies on the Executive Board, except that of the Immediate Past President, shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Article V


Sec. 1  The WDCU Executive Board consists of all the Unit officers plus the immediate Past President.

Sec. 2  The WDCU Executive Board shall be the administrator of the Unit and define its policy. The Board has authority in all Unit matters and shall exercise supervision of all the officers and committees.

Sec. 3  The President or any two members of the Board may call a business meeting of the Executive Board at any time deemed necessary.

Sec. 4  A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of a majority of its members.

Article VI


Sec. 1 The WDCU business meeting shall be held annually during the spring season in either April or May. Additional business meetings may be held during a WDCU rally or called at any time by a majority vote of the Executive Board. The date, time, location, and purpose of all WDCU business meetings shall be announced to the members in writing at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to the meeting. A quorum for conducting business at any business meeting shall be not less than 10% (percent) of the membership.

Sec. 2  All Regular Members, including spouse or partner, voting at the annual or additional business meetings of the WDCU, and identified by the WBCCI membership number, shall each have one vote.

Sec. 3  Ballots submitted by email, regular mail, or facsimile may also be accepted from Regular Members. The President and Recording Secretary shall ensure no member casts more than one ballot. Votes allowed in this manner should be received by the Unit no later than two (2) days before the regular or special meeting at which a vote is to be taken. These votes must be kept confidential until voting at a meeting has taken place. Such ballots also count as a part of the quorum for such a business meeting.

Article VII


Sec. 1  The WDCU Constitution and Bylaws and the WBCCI Constitution, Bylaws and Policy, provide additional provisions for governing the WDCU. The WDCU Executive Board shall adopt bylaws if such are deemed necessary.

Article VIII


Sec. 1  Proposed amendments to the WDCU Constitution shall be submitted to the Executive Board in writing, and as a .pdf email attachment. The Executive Board shall present all such amendments to the members for their consideration.

Sec. 2  Any Article or Section of the WDCU Constitution shall be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members voting at a Unit business meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose. In either case, a notice containing the proposed amendment or amendments have been delivered electronically or by mail prior to the meeting. Provisions for balloting shall follow Article VI, Sec. 3, of this Constitution.

Sec. 3  All amendments to the WDCU Constitution shall become effective upon adoption.


This Constitution as last amended, was adopted by the membership on


January 2, 2022 at  Alexandria, Virginia.

(Date)                         (City, State Province)



The Bylaws and Policies of the Washington, D.C. Unit

Article I


Sec. 1  Parliamentary procedures for all WDCU meetings shall be governed by the current edition of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED except when they conflict with the Constitution, Bylaws, or Policies of the WDCU.

Sec. 2  The order of business shall be:

  1. Opening statements and introductions
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the minutes
  4. Reports of officers and committees
  5. Special orders
  6. Unfinished business
  7. New business
  8. Announcements
  9. Adjournment

Article II


Sec. 1  The WDCU President shall appoint and be an ex-officio member of all committees. The following Standing Committees, to include but not limited to, shall be established as deemed necessary:

  1. Budget
  2. Rally and Caravan
  3. Constitution and Bylaws
  4. Family/Youth
  5. Hospitality

Sec. 2  All Standing Committees shall consist of a Chairperson and as many members as necessary. The Committee Chair reports to the Executive Board.


General Duties

  1. Budget: Cooperate with the incoming and outgoing Unit Treasurer, prepare for the Executive Board a budget projecting the Unit’s income and expenditures for the next year.
  1. Rally and Caravan: Plan, coordinate, organize, and obtain hosts or leaders for Unit events that are operated or conducted for the membership within the scope of the WBCCI guidelines and the Caravan Handbook. Develop interesting programs and coordinate Unit activities with appropriate Regional and WBCCI personnel as deemed necessary.
  1. Constitution and Bylaws: Conduct reviews of the WDCU and the WBCCI Constitution and Bylaws and make recommendations in the best interest of the Unit.
  1. Family/Youth: Plan rally programs to encourage participation of family and youth at WDCU functions and with other Units and WBCCI Family/Youth Standing Committee.
  1. Hospitality: All members shall receive and welcome guests and new members at Unit functions. All members should recommend ways to meet and greet all unit members and guests at rallies and/or seasonal functions.

Sec. 3  Special Committees may be appointed by the President as required.

Article III


Sec. 1  Guests invited by a member in good standing and using the member’s trailer or motorhome or staying in a non-RV facility such as a cabin, motel room, etc., may attend activities of the Unit. Members sponsoring such a guest shall pay the extra rally fee exclusive of the parking fee.

Sec. 2  A WDCU member in good standing may sponsor and invite a non-member Airstream RV owner, as a potential member, to attend rallies and other activities of the Unit.

Sec. 3  Members in good standing in the WBCCI may attend activities of the WDCU provided that such members, and where required, have made prior reservation.

Sec. 4   Once each year, the WDCU may host a rally or caravan with an RV club not chartered by the WBCCI. Twice a year, the WDCU may conduct a buddy rally or a buddy caravan to which members of the Unit may invite a non-member RV family. The non-member RV family to be invited is intended to be a prospective member, and one that does not own an Airstream. The family is invited to the buddy rally or caravan to introduce them to the WBCCI “Way of Life” and the Unit members in the hope they might decide to purchase an Airstream and join the Unit.

Article IV


Sec. 1 Prior to the WDCU’s annual business meeting, the Executive Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee who, after having obtained the prior acceptance, shall place in nomination candidates for each office to be filled by election. They shall report to the Executive Board, which shall include the names of all candidates considered. The President shall report the candidate’s names to the membership prior to the business meeting. Additional candidates may be nominated from the floor. No seconds are required for any nomination.

Article V


Sec. 1  The President shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board.
  2. Enforce the Constitution and Bylaws.
  3. Appoint all committees and the Parliamentarian.
  4. Exercise powers and duties as normally pertain to the principal executive officer.
  5. Delegate authority to perform duties and tasks as deemed necessary.

Sec. 2  The 1st Vice President shall:

  1. Attend all business meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board.
  2. Assist the President.
  3. Assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence.

Sec. 3  The 2nd Vice President shall:

  1. Attend all business meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board.
  2. Assist the President and 1st Vice President.
  3. Assume the duties of the First Vice President in the absence of said officer.
  4. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and the First Vice President.

Sec. 4  The 3rd Vice President shall:

  1. Attend all business meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board.
  2. Assist the President and 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents.
  3. Assume the duties of the 2nd Vice President in the absence of said officer.
  4. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and the 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents.

Sec. 5  The Recording Secretary shall:

  1. Issue notices for all Unit and the Executive Board meetings as prescribed in Article VI, Sec. 1 and 2, and Article VIII, Sec. 2 of the Constitution and Article XI, Sec. 1 of the Bylaws.
  2. Prepare an agenda of pending business for use by the presiding officer at each meeting.
  3. Coordinate with the Treasurer and the Membership Chairman to maintain an accurate list of paid-up WDCU members.
  4. Record the attendance of the officers at each meeting and advise if a quorum is present.
  5. Record and preserve the minutes of all official WDCU meetings and email copies to the members of the Executive Board following each meeting.

Sec. 6  The Treasurer shall:

  1. Maintain the financial records of the WDCU and receive all monies, as prescribed in the International Policy 16.6.1, Financial Management, Items K-M and Policy, 16.6.2, Financial Data Guidelines, and promptly deposit them in the bank chosen by the Executive Board.
  2. Submit a full, written report of finances to the Executive Board at each meeting. Each year, a committee selected by the incoming President will audit the account. Before retirement, all books, monies, and property of the WDCU shall be delivered promptly to the incoming Treasurer.

Sec. 7  The Membership Chairman shall:

  1. Be one of the contacts for prospective members and explain the purpose and objectives of the WBCCI, and to extend invitations to attend rallies and events.
  2. Maintain an up-to-date roster of paid-up members to be shared with the Executive Board.

Sec. 8  The duties of the Trustees shall be:

  1. Attend all business meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board.
  2. Accept special assignments and chair committees as directed by the President.

Sec. 9   The Webmaster shall:

  1. Maintain the WDCU web and social media presence; enter WDCU events on; and make all necessary updates to content and rally details as information becomes available.
  2. Assist the newsletter editor with publishing the newsletter as needed.

Article VI


Sec. 1  Any Business Meeting of the Unit or the Executive Board may be held as an electronic meeting with a minimum of 10 (ten) days notification to the membership and Board. Such notifications will include all necessary information for participation by the membership and Board.

Sec. 2  Any electronic meeting will meet the quorums established in the Unit’s Constitution.


Article VII


Sec. 1  The Executive Board shall appoint one delegate and one alternate from among the Regular Members who will attend any Constitutional Delegates Meeting of the WBCCI. An Affiliate Member of the WDCU, who is a Regular Member in Region 2, may be appointed if WDCU has no Regular Members available to attend the Delegates Meeting. Any vacancy occurring following such selection shall be filled by appointment by the President. The delegate should be instructed to respect the wishes of the Unit on matters that come before the WBCCI Constitutional Delegates Meeting. The President and Secretary shall certify these appointments.

Article VIII


Sec. 1  The annual WDCU dues for Regular and Affiliate members shall be set by the Executive Board.

Sec. 2  A member who fails to pay properly assessed International and Local Unit dues before December 31st may not be listed in the Annual Membership Directory of the International Club for the following year. If the dues are not paid and receipted by the Unit or International on or before December 31st, for members joining prior to August 1, 2021, or their anniversary date, for those joining after August 1, 2021, the membership will be terminated.

Article IX


Sec. 1  All members shall abide by the following Code of Ethics:

  1. Be mindful that our membership represents the WBCCI, and our conduct should show our courtesy on the road and our goodwill to all peoples and countries.
  2. To be ever mindful of what we say or print with respect to the effect on others of our diverse membership so as to avoid disharmony and ill feelings among Unit members of diverse ethnicities, religious beliefs, or orientation, and to dedicate ourselves to the work of cementing together the members of the WBCCI in bonds of good fellowship and mutual understanding.
  3. Conduct our activities in a manner that inspires other RV travelers to appreciate the intent and meaning of this code.
  4. Maintain our campsite in an orderly manner and leave it in the same way, if not better.

Article X


Sec. 1  Neither the WDCU nor its officers are responsible for the loss of or damage to property or for injury two or death of a person on the premises of any Unit function. This freedom from responsibility for loss or damage to property applies regardless of whether that property has been received by any member or officer or left upon the premises.

Article XI


Sec. 1  Policy consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the WDCU and the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policy of the WBCCI, containing additional provisions for the governance of the Unit, may be adopted by the Executive Board.

Article XII


Sec. 1  These Bylaws may be amended at any business meeting of the Executive Board by a two-thirds vote, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted to all members of the Executive Board in writing 10 (ten) days prior to such meeting.

Sec. 2   Such amendments shall become effective upon adoption.

Article XIII


Sec. 1  In the event the members of the WDCU deem it desirable to merge with another Unit/Club, or to consolidate with one or more local Units/Clubs, or for the Unit/Club to dissolve, the members shall, through the President of the WDCU, follow the appropriate procedures as prescribed in ARTICLE VII, Sec. 1 through 6 of the Bylaws of the International Club. These procedures are in accordance with Section 501(c)7 of the Internal Revenue Service Code.


These Bylaws as last amended, were adopted by the Board on

January 2, 2022 at  Alexandria, Virginia.

(Date)                         (City, State, or Province)