Welcome to the Washington, DC Unit
Formed in 1998, our Unit was granted a provisional charter in 1999 until gaining full fledged Unit status bestowed by the IBT in July of 2000. It has since evolved from one oriented to young families, to that of mostly retirees who are “young at heart!” We also have many working members that are dreaming about retiring and really value those weekend getaways.
Our motto of “just campin” is indicative of our philosophy on life - we are a fun-loving group who enjoy each other’s company- and just being together. Our loyalty to our Unit and each other extends far beyond the camping season- these are friendships that feel more like family.
We are a diverse and welcoming Unit who have members from all walks of life. Our trailers mimic our membership- they, too, run from classic vintage models to the latest and greatest rolling off the assembly line in Jackson Center.
Although our Unit bears the name of the nation’s capital, our membership includes campers from the great north of Canada, throughout New England and the mid-Atlantic. We are part of Region 2 - and conduct our rallies from April (Capitol Kickoff or CKR) - to October (Installation) when we change officers. Most of our rallies are in the mid- Atlantic and Delmarva (Delaware, Maryland and Virginia) and occasionally in New England and Canada.
Our rallies are very casual- some folks join our Unit outright before experiencing a rally - however - you are welcome to “try before you join.” Check out our rally schedule, sign up and show up! Enjoy a home cooked breakfast, sit around a camp fire - we will guarantee a full array of 70’s 80’s and 90s tunes for your listening pleasure! You can do as much or as little with the group- we are flexible- many go out during the day to enjoy a hike or explore the area around the campground- and catch up at happy hour.
You may wonder how much all of this fun is going to cost - how about a buck - yes, $1 in addition to $75 dues for the international membership. If you've come this far on the WBCCI website - you've probably checked out what comes with the $75 dues - if not, please do so- it's the best investment you’ll make after purchasing your rig!
So, please, join us! Check out the current list of officers and feel free to contact any of them with questions. We can't wait to meet you!
WDCU Fall Leaves Rally

Washington DC Unit in front of the Washington Monument

WDCU Just Camping