Club abbreviations for members
- ACI: Airstream Club International
- BRN: Big Red Number, your ID within the ACI
- CBL: Constitution and Bylaws
- EC: Executive Council — There are nine members elected every two years. The four International Officers are elected by the IBT from qualified members on the EC
- GAM: Greet and Meet or Get Acquainted Meeting social gathering
- IBT: International Board of Trustees made up of the 12 Region Presidents and the Executive Council
- IR: International Rally
- MAL: Member At Large. Members who pay dues to International but don’t belong to local club or unit
- Intra-Club: Clubs within the ACI with similar interests, VAC, Indie Streamers, Future Streamers, Grapes and Grains are all Intra-Clubs. They also have CBL and officers
- VAC: Vintage Airstream Club, the first of the Intra Clubs. A Vintage Airstream is at least 25 years old
- WBCCI: Wally Byam Caravan Club International — the traditional name of our club which honors our founder, Wally Byam
- Affiliate: One becomes an affiliate when they join another local club or unit but do not have voting rights within that club
- Courtesy Parking: Parking overnight in another members’ driveway, yard or property without fee.