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How To Register for a Rally

“How to Register for a Rally or Luncheon”

CAC is growing rapidly, with new members joining every week, so here’s a guide to help you get into the rally of your choice.

In almost all cases, CAC purchases all the campsites for rallies so members just register for the rally. 

Members do not have to make their own reservations and managing a wait list is much easier for hosts.

Notification of Rally Openings

All CAC members and affiliates are notified via email, Facebook, and Slack of rally registration openings and closings, ideally 2 weeks in advance. To ensure that emails land in your inbox, instead of spam/junk/promotions folders, please add to your contact list.

In appreciation of their time and efforts, hosts and co-hosts are given an opportunity to register for ONE event before registration opens to all members.

Where to find event information and register for events:

The following event information is included in all “event posts,” which are accessible via (scroll to the bottom of the page) or via links on

Some events fill in weeks, some in hours or even minutes. Note: If you are poised to hit the “register” button at 9 a.m. you will need to refresh your page in order to see the yellow registration button appear.

Included on the website are

Registration Links when the event opens for registration, plus

● Dates

● Location

● Venue contact information

● Registration Link (if open) – All registration is online.

● Wait List Link (if the event has filled)

● Registration deadline

● Event details (overview, menus, activities, etc.)

● Host contact information

All events open for registration at 9 a.m. on a Saturday.


Q: Why not just include the links to the event posts in the email, instead of on the Event Information page? That would be one less click for the user.

A: Since we send to ~700 email addresses, we have to use a mailing server. Experience has shown that the more links and images contained in an email, the greater the likelihood that it will be marked as spam. By having a simpler email appear to be a personal email, we have had much better results getting our information to all our members.

Q: When I tried to register for a rally it was filled!

A: If an event fills up before you try to register, please add your name to the waitlist. There are always cancellations and those on the waitlist very often get to attend.

This year we have added several events and are offering ~ 400 rally spots to members, but it’s still not enough. We need more hosts in order to have more rallies. How about designating a favorite campsite, call to see what dates are available, and host a rally with your friends? Contact president Jeff Cross and he’ll tell you about all the support you’ll get from our rally team, from budgeting to advertising to managing your event. We’ll make it fun for you!

Again, for current event information, visit the CAC Event information page any time. It’s always accessible and current.

We hope this helps everyone, especially new members, get registered for the rallies of their choice.

With questions, contact