Mississippi Airstream Club
Welcome to those of you who are interested in learning about the Airstream lifestyle. If you would ask any individual Airstreamer what that lifestyle is, you would get many unique answers.
In these answers would be these common threads:
• Airstreamers like to travel,
• Airstreamers like to visit,
• Airstreamers like to explore,
• Airstreamers like to learn and
• Airstreamers like to have fun.
All of these threads are within a unique social network of new friends that soon become “family”.
Our Mississippi Airstream Club usually has 4 rallies a year, usually in different areas of our state. Rallies are not just characterized by our unique silver airstream trailers but with the commaradie with friends.
At rallies:
• we eat meals together;
• we go on “side trips” to interesting local places;
• we play dominoes, joker and cards;
• we visit with our airstream friends; and
• we share tales about our travels.
We’d love to have you come join us!
Please contact our Membership Chair and Treasurer, Don Hummel, at DonEHummel@gmail.com
0 Events

Randall Colston
Big Red # 08014

Tim Vaughan
1st Vice President
Big Red # 08234
Terry Reynolds
2nd Vice President
Big Red # 01158
Blake Donald
Corresponding Secretary
Big Red # 15017
Blake Donald
Recording Secretary
Big Red # 15017
Selma Evans
Big Red # 06533
Robin Vaughan
Membership Chairman
Big Red # 08234

Elizabeth Hawkins
Newsletter Editor
Big Red # 20429

Randall Colston
Big Red # 08014