2025 UWAC Rally & Event Schedule:
Feb. / March: Lake Havasu Bluegrass Festival (confirmed, Feb. 28 to March 2, 2025) - Joint rally with Las Vegas unit at Lake Havasu, Arizona. Details on reservations & registration have been e-mailed to members. See UWAC Registrations tab for link to JotForm registration being handled by Las Vegas club.
April: UWAC "Tech Talk & Bagels" in West Valley City, UT (confirmed, April 5 @ 9:00 a.m. - Airstream of Utah dealership, 3131 West 2210 South, Salt Lake area). UWAC is co-hosting a free networking and Q&A event with Airstream of Utah. We willl be serving refreshments (bagels, coffee, etc.) and the event is open to everyone. This should last about 90 minutes and represents a great opportunity to network, get questions answered, and learn more about your Airstream. Airstream of Utah will have their experts on-hand to respond to your questions on operations, maintenance and upgrades. Brad Driver (Thirteen Adventures) is also expected to attend and visit with the group. See UWAC Registations tab for link to JotForm registration (free but we're asking for RSVPs so we know how many bagels & refreshments to bring.)
April: UWAC "No Host" in Hanksville (confirmed, April 10 to 13, 3 nights - Off Road RV Resort, near Hanksville - see email sent to members / affiliates for details.) Rally is being held as a "no cost" (camping only) rally, but participants are free to organize any group activities of interest. The campground is not far from Capitol Reef National Park, Factory Butte, and Goblin Valley State Park. The "dark skies" for night stargazing are exceptional. Group block of 22 sites is being held through 2/15/25, and rally registration will remain open until full or 4/1/15. See UWAC Registrations tab for link to JotForm registration.
May: UWAC Boondocking at Private Ranch, New Mexico (confirmed, May 1 to 4, 3 nights - Baker Ranch near Manzano Mountains, New Mexico.) Due to travel distance, planning to have an optional 1-night intermediate stop in Bluff UT enroute on April 30. This is true boon docking - so no power, no water and no sewer is available on site. Join us at a club members private ranch nestled in the foothills of the Manzano Mountains of New Mexico for a boondocking rally. Biking, hiking and dog walking trails and the nearby Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument will provide plenty of options for activities. See UWAC Registrations tab for link to JotForm registration.
June: UWAC 10-year Anniversary Rally at Torrey (confirmed, June 19 to 22, 3 nights - Thousand Lakes RV Park, Torrey.) We are planning to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of UWAC in Torrey, Utah at Thousand Lakes RV Park, site of our very first rally in 2016. A number of Utah Airstreamers came together in 2015 to organize our local chapter — Utah’s Wasatch Airstream Club. Please see the email sent to members / affiliates for additional details. Registration is open now through January 27 (group block expires), or whenever campground is full, whichever is later. See UWAC Registrations tab for link.
July: UWAC Provo 4th of July Freedom Festival Rally (confirmed, July 3 to 6, 3 nights - Lakeside RV Campground, Provo.) UWAC is holding an urban rally in Provo this summer around the big 4th of July celebration there. There will be a hot air balloon festival, parade, Stadium of Fire celebration, and much more. Please see the email sent to members / affiliates for additional details. Registration is open now through February 28 (group block expires); see UWAC Registrations tab for link.
July: Region 11 Rally in Granby, Colorado (confirmed) - Region 11 has reserved 150 sites at Sun Outdoors Rocky Mountain RV Park in Granby, CO from July 23-27, 2025. Please plan to join UWAC as we rally with clubs from fellow clubs from Wyoming, Colorado, Four Corners, Arizona, and New Mexico. Please see the Region 11 website for registration and reservation details. Here are 5 Reasons to Attend the Region 11 Rally in Granby.
August: UWAC Blue Angels Rally, Twin Falls (confirmed) - Join us from Aug. 14 to 18, 2025 at the Oregon Trail Campground for the Navy Blue Angels featured at the Magic Valley Airshow (airshow is 8/16-17). Registration is now open (see UWAC Registrations tab.)
September: Lava Hot Springs "No Host" Rally (confirmed, Sept. 11 to 15, 4 nights - Portneuf Bend Campground, Lava Hot Springs, ID.) Rally is being held as a "no cost" (camping only) rally, but participants are free to organize any group activities of interest. The campground is approximately 1/2 mile from the town of Lava Hot Springs. The block of 12 sites is being held through 4/30/25, and rally registration will remain open until full or 9/1/25. See UWAC Registrations tab for link to JotForm registration.
October: Open (suggestions & volunteers to co-host are needed; we have had prel. discussions with Nine Mile Ranch near Price, UT about options for holding a rally there in early October; this would essentially be a clone of a very fun rally we held there in 2017, but alternate ideas by willing co-hosts are encouraged - details TBD)
November: Annual meeting & dinner (Salt Lake City area, dates & locations TBD)
Future Year Rallies / Events:
Please bring forth your suggestions to our Club Events Director, President or any of our UWAC officers. We'd love to undertake a rally or unit caravan to a place or event that you like!!
Recent UWAC Rally Planning Survey:
UWAC conducted a survey of club members and affiliates seeking input and suggestions on upcoming rallies, caravans & events. Thank you to all the members who shared their recommendations and insights; this info. is being used by the club to plan future events (some already listed above). See survey results here: UWAC Rally Survey Results
UWAC Rally & Event Schedule
UWAC Registrations Now Underway