About Louisiana Airstream Club
The Louisiana Airstream Club would like to invite Airstream owners to join our club. The Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI) is an international club of airstream owners who are “Living the Airstream Dream”. The Louisiana Airstream Club is one of many clubs within WBCCI which host rallies throughout the year. Our rallies are held all over the state, the schedule and itinerary are posted on this website. Rallies are held to include weekends so members who are working may participate. Members can also attend other unit rallies or caravans throughout the United States and Canada.
Our officers are all volunteers; we are a non-profit club so events are held at cost. Our members are a diverse group. They are young, old, married, single, working, retired, have different camping interests, experiences and various backgrounds, but they all have one goal in mind…To Have Fun! I believe that our members are the best reason for joining the Louisiana Airstream Club. If you would like more information about the Louisiana Airstream Club, please do not hesitate to contact me, Robert Perere at 225-315-3825 or by email to perere@att.net.