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2024-25 Officers and Committees

The Louisiana Airstream Club leaders are all volunteers working together to keep us camping together.

Thank you to these members for sharing their time and efforts for all Louisiana members.

Scroll down to see list.

President - Robert Perere  225-315-3825

1st Vice President - Curt Fontenot

2nd Vice President - Dale Spillman

3rd Vice President - Vacant

Past President - Gerald Peltier

Corresponding Secretary - Donna Theriot

Recording Secretary - Kathy Spillman

Treasurer - Janelle Williams

Trustees - Jeffery Theriot, John Taylor, Mark Williams

Newsletter - Donna Theriot-225-726-3805

Membership -- Todd Malmberg - 225-726-3805

Webmaster - Don Broussard, Dale Spillman

Photographer -- Dale Spillman

2024-25 LAC Officers