
Rally Information

Please scroll down to find information on some of the upcoming Michigan Airstream Club’s rallies and how to increase your Club involvement!

But wait - there's more! Be sure to check out the full list of MAC Rallies on the ACI site. 

Any club member is welcome and invited plan a rally. Need help getting started?

Reach out to any member of the Michigan Airstream Club board!

A comprehensive guide to getting started is also available by reviewing the Rally Planning Guide, provided by a partner club. An Excel spreadsheet for budgeting is also available. Please email macwebmaster052@gmail.com for a copy.

Vet Park - Cadillac
Veterans Serving Veterans Park

July: Cadillac, Michigan

Join MAC for our second annual boondocking rally at a special private park with a unique Airstream connection!


Cadillac Rally Information!
Alpena Shipwreck Tour Boat
Shipwrecks of Lake Huron

August: Alpena, Michigan

Join MAC on the shores of Long Lake in Alpena for hiking, biking, kayaking, and learning about the maritime history and shipwrecks of the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

Alpena is also home to the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center which includes the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum

Alpena Shipwrecks of Lake Huron Rally Information!
Pentwater 2022 Group Campfire
Whispering Surf Fall Rally!

October: Pentwater, Michigan

Join MAC for our fourth annual fall rally at Michigan's oldest privately owned campground!

Pentwater, Michigan, is an adorable town on Lake Michigan.

There are many nearby places to explore during your visit.


Pentwater Michigan Rally Information!