Sierra Nevada Unit
The Sierra Nevada Unit (SNU) holds rallies March through October in a variety of scenic and wilderness locations the Eastern Sierra Nevada and Great Basin mountains and deserts. The focus is on boon-docking or dry camping but sites also include RV parks and campgrounds.
Most SNU rally sites allow us to be informal and flexible, they seldom require a definite count in advance, a reservation, or advanced payment.
We enjoy coffee and a simple continental breakfast together most mornings, a late afternoon ‘happy hour’ and shared dinner gatherings. Everyone chips in and helps out for activities, meals and repairs and improvements to our Airstreams; the latter often from the comfort of our lawn chairs.
Find out more about our long SNU history, Airstreams and the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI) on our "Legacy" website. Also find us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SierraNevadaUnit/
Unit Motto: “It’s the Airstreams that bring us together but it's the people who keep us together”
- past president Jerry Thornburg, describing the SNU!
2 Events

Brian Root
Big Red # 06376

Susie Brown
Corresponding Secretary
Big Red # 05701

Susie Brown
Recording Secretary
Big Red # 05701

Jenifer Root
Big Red # 06376

Jenifer Root
Membership Chairman
Big Red # 06376

Don Williams
Newsletter Editor
Big Red # 14207

Don Williams
Big Red # 14207

Eugene Baleme
Past President
Big Red # 15229