Arizona Airstream Club generally makes all rally campsite reservations and also makes the payment for those reservations. Completing the appropriate rally Registration and Payment Form enables the Club to receive member payment for the reservation and recover the initial payment by the Club, maintain an accurate accounting of all Registered Attendees and if necessary, a Wait List.
Do not make an independent reservation for an AAC concierge event as a mean to bypass a Rally Wait List or to “crash” a full Rally. This practice is often not fair to other campers and can cause a multitude of issues for the Host and Rally Coordinator.
Cancellation of Attendance at an AAC Concierge Event:
If a Registered Attendee needs to cancel their attendance at a rally, and does so within the cancellation policy of the club, a refund can be processed.
Timely cancellations within club policy accomplish two objectives:
- They allow other members to fill limited sites
- They allow the club to avoid losses due to untimely cancellations
It is deemed to be a club members responsibility to be conscientious and considerate enough of the club and it's members to make timely cancellations and to avoid putting the club in the position of losing money.
Another method used at some campgrounds for holding club rallies is to have the individual member make their own reservation at the rally venue, after which the member Registers with the club to provide the club with the assurance that the member has made their reservation and that the purpose is to attend the club rally. Without notification to the club via the Registration Form the rally host cannot make adequate plans.
If you participate in one of these rallies it is important to follow these steps:
- Reserve your site directly with the campground
- Insure the campground understands that you are reserving a site for the purpose of attending the Arizona Airstream Club Rally
- Complete and Submit the AAC Registration Form (if you do not do this, you are not attending the rally)
- If you decide to cancel your Attendance; Notify the Rally Host (please be considerate of the time your host spends planning and executing the rally. Failure to notify the host of your cancellation prevents other members from attending, causes additional effort and frustration for the rally host and could cause the club to lose money on the rally)
- Cancellation notification to the Rally Host does not cancel the reservation you made with the campground. You are responsible for cancellation of the reservation you made. Do not expect any refunds if you do not abide by the campground cancellation policy. The club is not responsible for canceling your reservation.
- Read and understand the details of the rally and the Registration Process.

Register from the Event and Rally Details Page
The Link Button (below) will redirect you to the Arizona Airstream Club Event List View. The Rally pages listed there will provide everything you need to Register (online) and make Payment (online) for our Events.
Arizona Airstream Club Events List