Guidelines and Reminders

Arizona Regular Membership

There are two types of (WBCCI) Airstream Club International Members,

  •     Regular Members (those who have joined a Local Club) and
  •     Members at Large (members who have not joined a Local Club).

There are two classes of members in Arizona Airstream Club,

  •     Regular Members (Airstream Club International Regular Members who designate Arizona Airstream Club as their "Home Club") and
  •     Affilliate Members (Airstream Club International Regular Members of a different "Home Club" but who wish to "Affiliate" with Arizona Airstream Club).

For a listing of Arizona Airstream Club Regular Members refer to the ACI Membership Directory

Arizona Airstream Club Regular Membership List

For Arizona Airstream Club Affiliate Membership information, see Arizona - Affiliate Membership.

ACI MEMBERSHIPEverything You Always Wanted To Know About Membership *But Were Afraid To Ask

For a listing of Arizona Airstream Club Regular Members refer to the ACI Membership Directory

Arizona Airstream Club Regular Membership List


  • WBCCI members may renew membership for 2025 here: International Membership Renewal
  • International Dues for renewals is $100.00 a year.
  • Arizona Airstream Club Annual Dues are $10.00 (Regular/Lifetime Members)
  • Arizona Airstream Club Annual Dues are $15.00 (Affiliate Members)

International New Member Dues
International Dues for new members is $100.00 for one year. The membership period is on an anniversary year which is based on 12 months from the member’s original join date. HQ will collect one year of Local Club dues. To join Airstream Club international please go to this webpage: Join Now - A World of Adventure Awaits

International Renewal Dues
International Dues for renewals is $100.00 per year. The majority of our members expiration date is December 31 with the exception of anyone who has joined since July 1, 2021. The renewal process for members will start roughly 120 days before the expiration date. HQ will send out notifications reminding members it is time to renew. The primary member MUST be logged into the member-only portal to renew online. HQ will collect one year of Local Club dues. HQ encourages all local clubs to promote online renewals due to the efficiency as well as the time and cost savings for the club. Local Clubs are welcome to do renewals the traditional way, but be advised of the lag time with the postal service.

Renewal Forms
Paper renewal forms are by member request only. Members can contact HQ at 937-596-5211 to request a paper renewal form. Members can also select their preference of electronic or paper in the member-only portal.

Local Club Affiliate Members
HQ will also be able to collect Affiliate dues for clubs. 

Local Club Dues
Local Club dues received by HQ will be paid to the Local Club. (Arizona Airstream Club Annual Dues are $10.00) (Affiliate Member Dues are $15.00)

Lifetime Membership
Lifetime Memberships MUST go through the renewal process. This lets HQ know the Lifetime Member is still active and is in good standing with their Local Club. If we do not receive a renewal for a Lifetime Member, they will NOT be renewed.page1image3532088272


To purchase a Lifetime Membership visit the Airstream Club International website and complete and submit the Lifetime Membership Application.

Member Emails
To access member-only benefits and vote in the election of International Officers and amendments to the Constitution, each member must have a valid email address on file with HQ. If you don’t have an email address, it is simple to create a Gmail account with Google or with your Internet provider. Each member needs to have an individual email on file even if you share an email address with your partner. If your current email address is not on file, contact or call HQ at 937-596-5211.

Member-Only Portal
Encourage all members to get logged into the Member-Only portal on In the portal, members can update their information, see courtesy parking information, membership directory plus member-only benefits.

Members are allowed to transfer Home Clubs once per year. Transfers allow members to find a Home Club that best meets their likes and needs. The member should notify the Home Club they are leaving and the new Home Club they are joining. HQ will also inform each Home Club of the transfer. During a mid-year transfer, it is between the member and the Home Clubs to work out the Home Club dues portion of the membership.

Annual Printed Membership Directory
Local Clubs must submit any joins or renewals to HQ by DECEMBER 31st. (Blue Book Policy, 12.4.1 B, Blue Beret, Sec. 1) There is NO guarantee members will be in the Annual Printed Membership Directory if the member’s information is received after December 31st. The Annual Printed Membership Directory will be published in the month of February.

Do Not Publish
Members have the option of not having their contact information published in Club’s directories. Do not publish means their name(s), region, local club, and big red number will be listed without any contact information. This is to provide a complete listing of members for our members while at the same time respecting the wishes of those members who do not want their contact information published.